Donald Trump’s Team Rolls Out Transition Website, Social Media Presence – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s Team Rolls Out Transition Website, Social Media Presence

A website and Twitter account have been set up for the transition team of United States President-elect Donald J. Trump.

Breitbart: hosts news about the Trump Presidential Transition team. Announcements include information on offices and agencies supporting the transition, the approximately 4,000 Presidential appointees that will be needed, and some basic information on the transition process.

A release laying out information on the transition reads, in part:

Ensuring the smooth transition of presidential power has been a democratic hallmark of the United States for more than 200 years.

In 2015, Congress reinforced the importance of transition planning with the passage of the Presidential Transitions Improvements Act of 2015, which was signed into law in May of 2016. This new law built on the reforms of the Pre-Election Presidential Transition Act of 2010, which provided major party candidates with office space and services immediately following party nomination to ensure continuity of government and to protect the institutions of the United States.

The site also briefly introduces President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence.


11 Comments on Donald Trump’s Team Rolls Out Transition Website, Social Media Presence

  1. I’d like to take this time to thank a man who had something to do with Trump winning the election against Hillary.

    That man is Dinesh D’Souza.

    I was inspired to see this man come back from the political dungeon which Obama’s administration imposed upon him only to use that situation to motivate, learn, overcome, illuminate and influence thousands of people who saw both movies, Obama’s America, and Hillary’s America.

    Both of those movies were prescient, emotionally stirring and impactful. They were like sunshine as disinfectant upon the rampant douchebaggery of the left-wing, and more specifically, Hillary Clinton and her mentors.

    There have only been two movies in my entire life that have garnered standing ovations from a tearful audience, and both were from Mr. D’Souza.

    So, from myself and countless unknown Americans who were motivated to vote for freedom over tyranny, I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU.

    Thank You Mr. D’Souza.

  2. I went and left an email. Asked that even if Obama pardons her that she should be subject to a congressional investigation and all of her crimes chronicled and put into the Nation’s archives.
    Please join me in this endeavor and let’s fill up the inbox with this request. If we can’t jail her let’s at least write the official history of the Clintons perfidy, corruption and vice for future generations to read. Don’t let them create yet another Narrative,like how the Nation failed them when they tried to save us from ourselves.

  3. I wouldn’t mind a rough, bumpy, transition as the corruption is swiftly removed and the criminals arrested. Let them have a smooth transition into the courtrooms for sentencing.

    Shut down the EPA, IRS, FDA, FBI, NSA, for starters and rebuild them from scratch if they are deemed to be vital to America. Shitcan them otherwise.

    This is one Government website that I can finally Respect. !!! What a change that is.

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