Donkey reunited with old friend… – IOTW Report

Donkey reunited with old friend…

Who says animals don’t have emotions or memories?

28 Comments on Donkey reunited with old friend…

  1. “Darn it…where have you been?! Oh…and where is my carrot…

    Simply simply amazing…thanks BFH…

    And what Corky said…perfect.

  2. I’m with Illustr8r, I was going to cry. To see and hear such happiness was very emotional. You can hear and even see the love in the video. It’s real. Very touching.

    God Bless us all!

  3. Here we go.

    What’s the difference between a donkey and an ass?


    What do you get when you cross a zebra and a donkey?

    A zonkey.

    What do you get when you cross a donkey and an elephant?

    A RINO.

  4. A friend had a dog that pretty much ignored men.
    One day, a gentleman came through the door and the dog went crazy for him.
    Turns out the guy had raised the dog and let him go five years before.

  5. Great video! Seen gorillas do the same when they see the human that raised them then released them. Animals remember and love back. Thanks for the feel good video!


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