Donna Brazile Lays Out How Obama’s Obsession With ‘His Image’ ‘Leeched’ The Democratic Party ‘Of Its Vitality’ – IOTW Report

Donna Brazile Lays Out How Obama’s Obsession With ‘His Image’ ‘Leeched’ The Democratic Party ‘Of Its Vitality’


Daily Caller: The Democratic party was “leeched it of its vitality” by Former President Barack Obama and others in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign, according to Donna Brazile, former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee.

“We had three Democratic parties: The party of Barack Obama, the party of Hillary Clinton, and this weak little vestige of a party led by [Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] that was doing a very poor job getting people who were not president elected,” Brazile writes in her new book “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” released Tuesday.

Many of the revelations in Brazile’s book revolve around the deep debt the Democratic party was facing at the end of Obama’s presidency and the lengths it had to go to to survive a national presidential race. Obama’s use of party funds for private pollsters and focus groups drained the party, and Wasserman Schultz’s leadership as party chairman failed to address the problem. Clinton then bailed out the party in order to gain control of it, according to Brazile.

“This was not working to strengthen the party. He left it in debt. Hillary bailed it out so that she could control it, and Debbie went along with all of this because she liked the power and perks of being a chair but not the responsibilities,” Brazile said.  read more here

14 Comments on Donna Brazile Lays Out How Obama’s Obsession With ‘His Image’ ‘Leeched’ The Democratic Party ‘Of Its Vitality’

  1. Benito (Obama)care Andrea Mussolini was his name. He once said Democracy is a beautiful theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day. That day was November 8 2008 when Obama took over and promised the fundamentally change America.
    What happened to Benito should happen to Barry.

  2. Sorry, the Democrats literally worshipped this biracial fool and unpatriotic clown who harmed America daily.
    The fact that his narcissism damaged their party along with their sycophantic adoration for him is justice.

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