Donors To Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Group Revealed – IOTW Report

Donors To Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Group Revealed

The Center for Community Change’s largest contribution was $3,000,000 from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which was initially created by Will Kellogg, the food manufacturer and founder of Kellogg Company. The Ford Foundation, which was first created by the founders of the Ford Motor Company, added a $2,350,000 donation. The Open Society Foundation, a foundation run by liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros, gave $1,750,000 to the Center for Community Change.

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16 Comments on Donors To Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Group Revealed

  1. @reboot: I’ve been all Japanese (Toyota) since 1978, when I bought a used 1974 Corolla and found that it was put together like a little Swiss watch, compared to the crap coming out of Detroit at the time. I’ve never looked back, and I haven’t regretted my decision. I did my time with Ford and GMC, and it’s over.

    Regardless of what Lee Iacocca tried to sell us, I won’t buy American junk in the name of patriotism, because I’m not a rich man like he is. Sorry, but them’s the grits.

  2. We have a outgoing ford built Mazda3 sport wagon, next is Lexus or Subaru all wheel drive for the wifey.

    I’ve a nice end of production 2015 baseline Toyota Tacoma with NOTHING expensive in it. Love the darn truck!

  3. “resistance” ?

    resistance to what ?
    making American great again ?

    resistance to the federal government they love so much that they empower it at every turn, because a democrat is not running it ?

    resistance to free speech ?

    hell I’ll start a phony resistance group if it pays like that.

  4. is there a website where we can go to see what companies donate to Left or Right causes?

    I want to spend my money where it’s not being used to stab me in the back.

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