Don’t be upset that the Ronald Reagan Foundation dissed President Trump – IOTW Report

Don’t be upset that the Ronald Reagan Foundation dissed President Trump

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

It was big news over the weekend: the Reagan Foundation was asking both President Trump and the Republican National Committee to stop using Ronald Reagan’s name in their fundraising.  The Democrats and NeverTrumps were very excited.

They shouldn’t have been.  The people presiding over the Reagan Foundation are a mix of NeverTrumps and people who are part of the Bush family cabal.  The Bush family and its supporters hate Trump.  Their opinions about Trump’s campaign are as meaningful as the Democrat party’s views are.

The Washington Post broke the story:

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute formally asked the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee to stop using the 40th president’s name and image to raise money.

The request came in response to a fundraising appeal sent from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint effort of the Trump campaign and the RNC, offering two commemorative coins, one engraved with Reagan’s image and the other with that of President Trump to anyone who donates $45 or more for Trump’s reelection. The email was “signed” by Trump.

Melissa Giller, the Reagan Foundation’s chief marketing officer, told Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty that the request to cease sales of the coins was made by phone to the RNC last week. Giller said the RNC agreed to stop using Reagan to solicit funds for Trump’s reelection.

The foundation, which runs the Reagan Presidential Library near Los Angeles, was provided sole rights of the use of Reagan and his wife’s names and images. While the foundation can’t stop every time the Reagans’ likenesses are used, it claims the right to stop groups from using them for political or commercial gain. more here

10 Comments on Don’t be upset that the Ronald Reagan Foundation dissed President Trump

  1. This is the same as the Anne Frank Foundation taken over by leftist anti-semites. The left corrupts everything and the globalists are leftists so there you go, they took over Reagan’s Foundation.

  2. Dan

    Another “conservative” – you being NoCal may not now – was an ally of a former “dirty cop” who later was LA Mayor.
    Theexcop was a life long Dem!
    His name a forget but it was “Mayor Tom” for whom he worked ad support;orted. A may Rony worked to defeat when he ran for Cl Gov! But he is on the Boar.
    A Rony harig GOP is there as well. Lefty Paul!

    Im old; but my memory says the Foundation has been liberal for over 20 years! I may be wrong.

    but the men I mention both hated Ron, and ron worked to defeat the pal of the first guy.

    IF the friend of the “dirty cop”s name is important – ask me an I will research. The important thing, to me, is that this DEMOCRAT was against Ronny 40 years ago OPENLY and I have not reason to believe he has renounced his belief!

  3. saw Reagan’s adopted son whining on the Greg Kelly show on Newsmax yesterday. he was claiming infringement on Ronald Reagan’s ‘image’ on the picture that was White House property, not the Reagan Foundation’s

    at the end he claimed Fox News was all in for Trump & Kelly corrected him by saying only a few people on Fox were supportive of Trump (Hannity, Ingrahm, Tucker, Guttfield) … he yelled, as the interview ended, that if Trump took a colonoscopy they’d find Fox News up there

    real class act


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