Don’t Believe the Hype: California Is Still Very Much America – IOTW Report

Don’t Believe the Hype: California Is Still Very Much America


When I spoke at the Patriot Movement Arizona rally in early March, I heard a lot of people say “Make California America Again.” A former Navy seal who later ran for Congress made the same joke to me when he was out of state. “I’m not in California right now. I’m in America.”

Those comments really incensed me, though. Four and a half million Californians voted for Trump in 2016. Even though the state legislature has gone full-tilt communist, Californians up and down the state are rising up against the state legislature, which has become destructive to the ends for which governments are instituted among men. The media won’t cover these restorative trends emerging throughout the state, so here goes. Entire counties in North State (Siskiyou, Tehama, Shasta, and El Dorado) have resolutely refused to comply with California’s sanctuary state insanity. Kern County has also joined that list.

Then the cities started rising up. On March 19th, 2018, the Los Alamitos City Council passed their first draft of the official Constitution Compliance ordinance, rejecting California’s ill-conceived, abusive, unconstitutional sanctuary state law. In spite of a massive crowd from within the city and throughout the region, plus intimidation from the ACLU, the city council voted 4-to-1 for the ordinance. On April 16th, they will vote for the second reading and make it official. March 19thwill be viewed as a historic day in California and for the country, not a date of infamy, but defiance against the arrogant, narrow-minded political establishment, conservative and liberal, as well as the well-wishing yet cynical media.

Los Alamitos fired the Second Shot Heard Round the World, and the fight hasn’t stopped here. The little city with a world-renowned race-track took the risk, and it is paying off. Within days, Yorba Linda, CA (the birthplace of Richard Nixon) filed an amicus brief with Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s lawsuit against California’s sanctuary state policies. Then the Orange County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution condemning the sanctuary state law and filed their own amicus brief in turn. I was there, and the thrill of victory filled the chamber, even while open border zealots and left-wing interest groups pouted in disgust as the Board unanimously voted to defy the lawless state legislature.  more

14 Comments on Don’t Believe the Hype: California Is Still Very Much America

  1. When you examine these Nazis closely you see the contempt and defiance they have for America as a whole, let alone the small number of normal people that disagree with them in Califucktard.

    The normal people that are cornered like rats and are now trying to mount some pushback will sadly tire and lose. These vermin hold all the cards and any victory by the resistance is temporary and short lived.

    There is zero hope and chance for the Califucktard resistors at the ballot box. It is rigged against them at every level. They will even arrest you on fake charges when they have to. The only hope is confrontation that is ugly and that leads to a break up of the state. Otherwise, things will only get worse, and instead of fighting their own fellow Califucktards within the state, they will eventually square off with the rest of America.

  2. Caliphornia has demonstrated to the country just how to run things in the wrong direction, and wreck a wondrous State. Perhaps they will demonstrate how that process can be reversed.
    Via tax revolt? Massive resistance by the populus? Violent attacks targeting public officials? Or, will armed rescue (revolution) necessarily come from outside (other states)?

  3. It’s quickly becoming apparent, that California is being used as the Base model for a one world order system. Great job so far, bread lines are next.
    It’ll be a Cultural experience !

  4. I feel great sympathy for our brothers and sisters who live in California and are not the nuts running the state, nor those who voted them into office.

    Many are there because of work or family or finances, which limit their ability to move out. Yet, they are painted with that big brush we use when we say “California” with such derision. Not all Texans, or Floridians or any other state are of one accord, either.

    I try to always judge individually, not by group, and I believe we should all tamp down our anti-California rhetoric.

  5. What the legislatures of California have done over the last 30-years is drive out employers, who had their employees forced to follow them as they left the state, and then replaced those taxpayers with the children of illegal aliens. It was almost a perfect demographic replacement scheme.
    Right now San Diego is maybe 30-40 percent White and the rest Mexican.

  6. Mike Brown is right. They locked up the voting and the courts. There is no peaceful solution. Just like the gun laws the courts will side with the state on every issue.


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