Don’t believe the spin. Brexit hurts Hillary – IOTW Report

Don’t believe the spin. Brexit hurts Hillary

PatriotRetort: Yesterday, the Clinton campaign was quick to calm a panic-stricken Enslaved Press that feared that Thursday’s favorable vote for Brexit hurts Hillary [Hat tip UK Daily Mail].

Communications director Jennifer Palmieri, proving herself to be a geography expert pointed out that the United States is a “different country than the United Kingdom.”

REALLY?!!!! I had no idea!

Palmieri continued revealing her brilliance by saying, it is “also a very different election.”

Golly. What would we do without Jennifer Palmieri?

“People are looking for certainty,” Genius Jen continued. “People are looking for solutions, and we think that that means people will be looking for Hillary Clinton.”

Hahahahaha. Yeah. Right.

People are looking for Hillary Clinton, but only in the “people are looking for Hillary Clinton to be indicted” kinda way.  MORE

11 Comments on Don’t believe the spin. Brexit hurts Hillary

  1. This is shaping up to be like alliances of old — Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John Paul II — now we just need a new Pope.

    Killery could have a railroad spike jutting out of her bleeding forehead and someone would say, “What railroad spike?”

  2. sig94 — haha! Careful, now. We’ll have the thought po-leece cruising through this neighborhood. 😉

    (Shhh. In certain light, you can see the bolts on either side of her neck.)

  3. AA, I’m seeing another parallel. I’m watching Legends and Lies The Paitriots and realized our revolutionary war hasn’t ended yet. The enemy has just changed it’s name to Globalists and Progressives.

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