Don’t blame a flag…Blame the FBI – IOTW Report

Don’t blame a flag…Blame the FBI

dylann roof

As it turns out, as per the federal government’s own procedures, Roof shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun at all.

Legal Insurrection-

Today, South Carolina’s confederate flags were lowered for the last time, thus ending the long and drawn out battle over what the flag means, what it doesn’t mean, and whether or not it should be flown above the state’s capitol building.

After Dylann Roof allegedly killed 9 people at a church in Charleston last month, many activists came out of the woodwork to blame not Roof’s mental state, or his admitted racism, for the massacre, but the pernicious influence of the Civil War, the race wars, and the continued unfurling of the Confederate Flag.

It was a field day for social justice warriors. Even President Barack Obama was quick to blame the country as a whole for the murder of innocents; but as it turns out, he needn’t look further than the front door of FBI Headquarters if he’s still in search of a more controversial scapegoat.



41 Comments on Don’t blame a flag…Blame the FBI

  1. Liberal media is already spinning this as a “loophole”. Expect calls for more laws to punish law abiding citizens.

    Someone said “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence”. But these qualities are not mutually exclusive. As recent bureaucratic bungling has shown, faceless drones can be both malicious and incompetent

  2. Evidently the FBI needs more funding.
    I mean, how can they possibly be expected to help Lois Lerner target Tea-Party conservatives AND keep guns out of crazy sick bastard’s hands?

    Republicans didn’t fund the FBI.
    There…I said it!

  3. Victims of gun crimes at the hands of democrats/feds:

    Kathryn Steinle

    Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, Depayne Middleton, Clementa C. Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Simmons, Sharonda Coleman, & Myra Thompson.

    Maria Cruiz-Calvillo & her son, Luis Lopez-Cruz.

    Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry.

  4. No one will be fired.
    No one will be censured.
    No one will be reprimanded.

    Our bureaucrats are above reproach.
    Our bureaucrats cannot be held responsible for their fuckups.

    That is why we have so many fucked up bureaucrats.

  5. I dislike “criminals” and those criminals that are enabled by the leftists that are criminals themselves for their usurpation of the law. I don’t care what color a criminal is or if they’re citizens or not. A criminal is a criminal.

    Yes, there is trash in our society; but there are also darned good folks in our society regardless of ethnicity.

  6. I hate everybody.
    Always did.
    Always will.

    1% ers
    99% ers
    3% ers

    and particularly, drug-addled, moslem, homosexual, marxist, mellifluous mulatto politicians.

    (apologies if I’ve forgotten anyone)

  7. “He said, “I ain’t a racist, but that Aristittle Onaysis is one Greek
    we don’t need,
    And them niggers, jews, and sigma nus, all they ever do is BREED.
    And wops ‘n’ micks ‘n’ slopes ‘n’ spics ‘n’ spooks are on mah list,
    And there’s one little Hebe from the heart of Texas….is there anyone ah missed?”

    — Kinky Friedman, “They Ain’t Makin’ Jews Like Jesus Anymore”

    ; D

  8. Supposedly the gun his father bought him was a 1911 and his mother took it away from him and locked it up. The gun he used looked like a P220 or a Glock. False Flag or not the commies will use this to push for tighter back ground checks.

  9. “I blame Obama for stirring people up.
    I have never disliked blacks more than I do now.
    It’s OBAMA’s fault.”

    I’m rather disappointed in Obama myself albeit I’d vote for him again in a minute over the corporate owned puppets today’s so-called conservatives have been appointing. I mean, somewhere there needs to be some balance from the workforce and the plutocrats. I find a Koch on the SCOTUS as troulbling as I’m sure you’d find Soros or Buffet or such. Of course, Dems aren’t that extreme, yet.

    I’d say that your admission of an all time hatred of the black race has more to do with a black man holding the highest office of the greatest nation on God’s green earth rather than, uh, rather than, well, your really didn’t give any “rather thans” did you?

    Obama “stirred people up” and accordingly, your hatred of blacks has gone though the roof. Interesting admission but what’s even more so is the silent nod of your cohorts.

  10. “rather disappointed in Obama myself albeit I’d vote for him again in a minute”

    I was starting to have a hint of respect for you RJW. But now you have exposed that you are just a fucking idiot.
    Maybe it’s the 16 hours a day of trolling? I hear that can cause insanity.

  11. You selectively take my comment out of context, avoid my argument entirely, create your own new argument out of thin air, vulgarly dismiss me as “just a fucking idiot”, and then do the rubber/glue routine of calling me the troll, all while running from the profound bigotry and racism exposed in your cohort’s diatribe, which was what I pointed out.

    I really don’t know how you could possibly validate my argument further.

  12. Really Mary Jane, why do you suppose I even invoked the Kochs in my comment?

    It was to watch cowards like you evade the argument of the admitted racism of which I exposed. If I didn’t give you an out, you’d have simply stfu and ducked.



  13. RJ, all of you homosexuals seem to have an anger issue, and the strong dislike of beautiful women seems to be a trigger.

    You know, if I had to work 16 hour days, I don’t think I would be spending my spare time harassing people with opposing views. Maybe you should check in to a rehab and get some therapy. Do something nice for yourself, tell 0bama you can’t handle the troll work anymore, it’s wearing on your nerves.

  14. Why is it that people like him need to announce who he’s bending over for? Never understood that. strange.

    I mean, can’t he be a gay Ronald J Ward and walk around like a regular human being? Why lower yourself into being just a walking dick with saggy balls?
    So dehumanizing.

  15. I guess if all else fails and you have nothing other than your exposed ignorance and lack of coherent thought process, just call your opponent a homosexual and, wa la, you win!

    Can we please get someone above a 3rd grade 4th month level, or maybe that could pretend to be above a 3rd grade 4th month level, to try to give at least an attempt at a semi-adult level rebuttal? I mean, that would be so unusually refreshing here.

  16. It’s beyond me why today’s so-called conservatives are so ashamed of what they advocate.

    I’ve pointed out the abject bigotry that’s so prominent here. I mean it’s espoused and condone on a daily basis.

    Take the above:
    “I blame Obama for stirring people up.
    I have never disliked blacks more than I do now.
    It’s OBAMA’s fault.”

    One person allegedly stirring people up is justification for an even more intense hatred of an entire race. I mean, throw logic and rationale out the window and then pretend your profound bigotry has merit!

    When your blatant unjustifiable racism is pointed out, the rodeo clowns come out in full force with their elementary level innuendo insults and sophomoric distractions. The writer’s screed receives the normal nod of approval while ducking under the fence from scrutiny as the rodeo clowns/trolls change the narrative, even if they have to do so in such obvious methods.

    That of course makes sense as you really have nothing else to offer.

  17. OK, here’s a bone for you, Ron.

    Since you are so upset by everyone’s alleged racism, let’s try something REALLY offensive:

    ““I blame Ronald J. Ward for stirring people up.
    I have never disliked trolls more than I do now.
    It’s WARD’s fault.”

    Will that do it for ya?

    P.S. – What the hell is “wa la”? Is that anything like “voila”? Just curious.


  18. To be clear Vet, I’m not upset with the racism here. Racism is part of life and I understand that. My argument, if you care to read, isn’t that you and your ilk are racist but rather that you actually deny the racism that you promote. Granted, that’s rather jaw dropping dumb but it’s consistent with much of today’s so-called conservative’s agenda. It’s based mainly on blind ignorance and doesn’t hold up to any form of logic yet you still stand by it, while denying what you advocate. It’s like taking fraudulence to a new level, much like your trolls or rodeo clowns here that your failed arguments rely on.

    “Wa la” (not sure if the spelling’s correct nor do I care) might come closer to “Eureka!” or perhaps something today’s so-called conservatives construe as the pixie dust to rationalize their irrational and non sequitur logic.

  19. OK, Ron, you probably won’t even return to this post to read this, but I have an early appointment to go to and don’t really have the time to answer you now as I would like to. Next time you comment on something here (and I’m sure there will be a next time), I’ll try to discuss the subject at more length with you. In the meantime,
    try to keep a good positive mental attitude. Paranoia
    can destroy ya.

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