Don’t Blame Trump For Afghanistan’s Collapse. Blame Barack Obama. – IOTW Report

Don’t Blame Trump For Afghanistan’s Collapse. Blame Barack Obama.


President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw abruptly from Afghanistan, without any discernable exit strategy, has plunged that nation into a bloody, ruinous chaos. After pleading with the Taliban to spare our embassy in Kabul, he has now redeployed 3,000 to conduct a hasty air evacuation of embassy staff.

At this stage, the only good that can come from this debacle is that our leaders might wake up and recognize that the Obama Doctrine of foreign policy is an abysmal failure and must be abandoned once and for all. Tragically, this lesson comes, yet again, at tremendous cost: widescale human misery and heightened threats to U.S. interests.

As we study what’s happened, let’s first dispense with the canards: that this fiasco was inevitable and that it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.

The reality is that, during Trump’s tenure and despite the Afghan government’s many imperfections, Afghanistan had made great strides. The government-controlled most of the country’s territory. There was real economic growth. Women could work. Children could go to school. read more

18 Comments on Don’t Blame Trump For Afghanistan’s Collapse. Blame Barack Obama.

  1. How ’bout we put ourselves in a position to not have to blame anyone in the first place!
    Wouldn’t that be nice for a… (wait for it)


    After all, “CHANGE” iz whut these A-Hole democRATs are always chanting!!

  2. Afghanistan will be a shithole as long as it’s Islamic.


    Everything else is beside the point, and changing anything else is just pissing in the wind.

  3. Genghis Khan was the only warrior to conquer Afghanistan and he did that by killing everything that moved. Much more effective the winning hearts and minds.

  4. I read that Islamic Lunatics speaking with a London accent in Afghanistan had been picked up by British Signals Intelligence. In a year or less, thousands of Jihadis and Islamic militants will be flocking to this country, plotting the next attacks on Western Civilization. They will make ISIS and Al Queda look like moderates, since they will be ensconced in a country full of Islamic Maniacs who have been bombed and blown apart for twenty years by American and British weapons. They endured and defeated their Western enemies. What will the Obiden Bama-Harris Administration* do when they inspire attacks on New York City or London? Oh, that’s right, they will blame Trump.

  5. The USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 was the first aircraft carrier to be over around Vietnam shortly after Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese commies in the Spring of 1975. We were there when the first of the boat people started coming into the Philippines that Spring. So I got a first hand close up view of the end of that damn war which we should’ve won and not surrendered to the commies. The defeat of Afghanistan by the Taliban will be as bad or worse as the fall of Vietnam in all the mass killings soon to be visited on the Afghan people and we just walked away again leaving them to their killing fields. This truly sucks and I hate it and our govts. chicken shit response to what’s happening to the Afghanis at the hands of the Taliban.

  6. And here’s where much of our tax dollars went in the Islamic 7th century hellhole called Afghanistan.

    Taliban take over palace of US backed warlord-

  7. I blame Bush II.

    He should have fire bombed the shithole from 50,000 feet with B-52’s and hit the poppy fields over and over again, and the Terror camps.

    No one, except special forces should have ever set foot in Shit-hole-istan and only to covertly identify targets.

  8. It is still about money.
    Do you think it’s a coincidence that they support the Cartel and the Taliban.
    Also the Cartel and the Taliban have moved into illegal Gold mining, dumping 1000’s of gallons of mercury in the process.

    Afghanistan has been the world’s leading illicit drug producer since 2001. Afghanistan’s opium poppy harvest produces more than 90% of illicit heroin globally, and more than 95% of the European supply.

    Opium production in Afghanistan

  9. I know a vet (Green Beret) who was trying to train Afghanis to fight for their country. He says that the soldiers, if they showed up, would be drunk, stoned, or otherwise unable to do their duty. Basically they are lazy and would rather have us do the fighting for them, and then complain about it. According to him, they get what they deserve.

  10. Actually, I blame the lame-oids of the Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations who started this farce when they should’ve known better and are now ending it without showing the basic common sense to destroy all the fucking equipment we left there. JFC.

    The next big project of the US war machine will be “white supremacists”, i.e. flyover state white people. That’s why they’re turning the DoD over to the democrat blacks and faggots.


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