Don’t Bring Shiny Rocks to Digital Gunfights – IOTW Report

Don’t Bring Shiny Rocks to Digital Gunfights

Badlands Media:

Shadilay, Pepes! The following is a summary of a mind-bending thought exercise that helped me more deeply consider the interconnected nature of recent technological breakthroughs, the alarming rate of advancement within each of these technologies, and unique hazards that have occurred as a result. The truth is, humanity is not only faced with one revolutionary technological breakthrough (e.g. internet, smart phones), that will dramatically change the way we live, but we are faced with several that are all converging on the same timeframe in history:

Decentralized (e.g. Bitcoin) / centralized (e.g. shitcoins, slavecoins) blockchains, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), 3D printing, big data, the internet of things, advanced/autonomous robotics, etc. are all here regardless of our personal desires and opinions. Right, wrong, or indifferent, these technologies have been around for decades, are advancing at exponential rates, and are already affecting the way we live.

If we are wise, we will dig deep to understand and harness the power of these technologies and mitigate the risks, to enable future generations to advance in knowledge, leverage efficiencies, and increase prosperity. If we are unwise, we will act like we can ignore or escape these technologies, allowing them to either take over autonomously in ways we do not desire, or be used by bad actors to enslave us in a digital prison from which there is no escape.

Each technology mentioned contains its own rabbit hole of data analysis and discussion. In this Substack, I can only hope to scratch the surface, point you to a small subset of pre-existing data/discussion, and provide my own unique perspective. As always, I encourage you to think outside of the box, do your own digging, verify my thought process, and come up with your own conclusions. I am not going to lie; this hazard is strange when you think about it. It’s almost like we are in an episode of THE PEPE ZONE. MORE

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