DON’T CALL ME CAITLYN- You can thank Bruce for this one – IOTW Report

DON’T CALL ME CAITLYN- You can thank Bruce for this one

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don’t call me Caitlyn.

A year after Caitlyn Jenner announced her new name and gender, the popularity of the name Caitlyn plummeted more than any other baby name, according to Social Security’s annual list of the most popular baby names.

In fact, the four names that dropped the most were all variations of the same name: Caitlin, Caitlyn, Katelynn and Kaitlynn.

“It was inevitable,” said Laura Wattenberg, founder of “Caitlyn was already falling in popularity. Now it is suddenly controversial.”  MORE

13 Comments on DON’T CALL ME CAITLYN- You can thank Bruce for this one

  1. dolfer – thanks!

    calling any HYBRID vehicle a Caitlyn is a twofer. It makes fun of trannies and ridicules the smug, self-righteous assholes that own HYBRIDs….(with the exception of my fiancee’, of course. She’s not an asshole. She got conned into buying it by a high-pressure asshole salesman when she was living in Commiefornia)

  2. If you want to laugh your head off, watch the last year or so of South Park. Any time they portrayed Bruce Jenner/ Caitlyn, they did a viciously funny parody of him. Every time that Jenner drove a car, he’d back over someone or run someone over. Funny as shit

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