“Don’t come to the games if protests upset you” – IOTW Report

“Don’t come to the games if protests upset you”

I know you’re sick of all this, but I thought you’d like to know about the NFL players who are now telling people not to go to,Ā  or to watch their games. Is that a wise business move? šŸ˜‚

American Thinker:
NFL players are sounding off about fans who are mad at them for kneeling during the national anthem.

What they’re saying is revealing:

Don’tĀ come to the game.

Thatā€™s the message a couple of theĀ Titans’ star players have for any outraged fans threatening to turn their back on the team, after theĀ Titans and Seahawks remained in the locker roomĀ during theĀ national anthemĀ before their game Sunday at Nissan Stadium.Ā  [more @ American Thinker]

50 Comments on “Don’t come to the games if protests upset you”

  1. I agree with this. And while we are at it, I don’t want my taxpayer dollars supporting a private business like the NFL. Build your own luxury stadiums.

    Too many NFL players whine about the so-called 1% while directly benefiting from the taxpayer subsidies of franchise owners, who are members of the 1% class. So let’s require the 1% to privately fund their own businesses – sure, that’s going to have an adverse impact on player salaries, but it’s all for the greater good.

  2. Somehow the focus on these protests have become pro/anti military when the if really got started as a pro/anti hands up don’t shoot, BLM bullshit. We are falling into a false narrative by allowing this to become pro/anti military.

  3. Joe,

    I don’t think so. We lose the hands up don’t shoot bull shit to the Libtard Media. Locally I’ve heard stories of people demanding Sports Bars turn off NFL coverage on their TVs because they Disrespect Veterans and our military

  4. Joe and BB, the Left set the rules over the confederate flag and monuments. There is no room for nuance. The flag cannot be a symbol of rebellion, or of southern pride, or anti northern-aggression. It can only mean you support slavery and racism. Same with the monuments.

    So don’t tell me you are “protesting” the treatment of blacks by kneeling during the national anthem. You’re disrespecting the flag, our nation, and the military that protects all of us.

  5. To be fair, these guys aren’t exactly members of Mensa.

    They really do not grasp the concept of supply and demand — or basic economics at all.

    To them, a magical million dollar money tree hidden in the back of their team owner’s closet is the source of their mind-boggling pay and not taxpayer subsidies, ticket sales, franchise material and advertiser dollars.

    You can’t expect them to understand that the NFL losing all those things will mean financially crippling the business. And a financially-crippled business can’t pay them their mind-boggling salaries.

    Alas, they will learn the hard way that the magical money tree doesn’t exist.

    Even then, they won’t get it. Instead, they will attack the owners for being greedy racists, and not giving them their fair share.

  6. Brad, you are not wrong on that, but now there are stories about these protesting NFLers involved with USO, and supporting the military, and the media is trying their hardest (at least in Seattle) to make it appear these protesters are misunderstood, sympathetic characters.

  7. Who was the rocket scientist who decided to advise us on a decision we made a year ago? We’ve been winning all this time and this numb skull is too stupid to realize he just took our side? At his expense? Gotta hunch his jersey number and IQ are -10/+ zero. Obviously been playing without a helmet too long. Before long many of them are going to whine to their money managers “How can I be broke? I still have checks.”

  8. Joe
    At ground level I come in contact with a lot of veterans through the DLA/DCMA. All great people. About 50% black. They are pissed. Frothing at the mouth pissed. Needless to say, they are NOT watching any football. It will be interesting to see the ratings after this week end.

  9. Well, if you ask the players, a lot of em will tell you it’s because of police brutality of black men and then they’ll sneak in how they hate Trump and his voters as an afterthought. Grown men in leotards. Whatever.

  10. No doubt they are pissed, and they should be. I am too. With that being said, we are missing an important side of the story by not countering the so called oppression of blacks narrative that these guys try to base their protests on.

  11. And if you haven’t checked out YT for all the jersey burning, you’re in for a treat. And some guy torched four grand worth of tickets. Whether or not this is about BLM or anti-America (hard to tell the difference), people are responding, and that’s good. Maybe now they’ll wake up to all the other ways they are being disrespected as Americans by The Media, The Colleges, Hollywood and The Government. That’s why I said earlier I couldn’t believe the Left was going after The Great American Pass (literally) Time. There are more people involved in a Sunday football game than vote in many town elections. Maybe that will change, too.

  12. One fool said, “It’s not about the flag or the anthem”.
    — Then why do it during the flag and anthem portion of the game?

    “Uhh… well, because… TRUMP yelled at us and the police!!!!11!”

    Yeahhh okay. Idiot.

  13. Direct TV has a separate line for Cancellations for the NFL but you have to ask for it.
    We got our refund and while we were at it we cancelled HBO too.
    Liberals destroy all that is fun! They are never happy.
    Another friend of mine cancelled too. I hope fans don’t show up.

  14. The truth is the players know that for every fan put off by their asinine antics, two more are waiting in the wings. And, as long as these guys get their five-figure paychecks each week, they could care less what a few disgruntled fans might think. I don’t watch football anymore, so I have a hard time caring what these clowns do, on or off the field.

  15. Down here in Houston we refer to the titans, formerly Oilers, as the Tennessee tampons (Good for one period and no second string) who are owned by butthole Bud Adams who relocated the team from Houston to Nashville when he couldn’t get a new stadium. Houstonians detest the titans, who we happen to play this weekend. If even one of the Texans had taken a knee I would quit football altogether. As long as the Texans remain a class act I will still watch them and only them. As far as the Titans challenge to not attend their games, that’s never going to be a problem with me.

  16. Wyatt, I remember Rush telling a story years ago. An NFL coach walked into the locker room and heard some players complaining about the “2 percent.” The coach quietly said to them, “You do realize that you are part of the 2 percent, don’t you?” and walked away.

  17. “My guys spent millions of our George Washington’s on football tickets for a pure game (like pure cocaine). Your guys not only cut the game with additives (cocaine worth a quarter of the price) you disrespected us by talking about yo’ Mama’s fried chicken when we were saying play the game!”
    “Our guys were axin fo’ respect “You gave us the finger. We gave your guys the finger back and telling you there won’t be any more money for your half assed football games.
    You feeling me?”

  18. what an education watching a business destroy itself genuflecting to their employees.

    (genuflecting (present participle)
    1) lower one’s body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in worship or as a sign of respect:
    “she genuflected and crossed herself”

    2)show deference or servility:
    “politicians had to genuflect to the far left to advance their careers”

  19. Consider if you will;
    The guy that started this did so to call attention to the alleged “oppression of blacks” in America.
    Funny thing, the sperm donor that abandonned him (and the whore that bore him) was…yep, black.
    The family that raised him in an affluent middle class manner was…yep, white.
    In reality, he probaly suffered greater abuse from his black peers for exactly that reason. But now he has a radicalized black muslim (another anachronism for another time) girlfriend that has cuckolded him into “embracing his blackness”. Sheesh! He may have african DNA, but he grew up with WAAAAAAAAYYYY more “white priviledge” than this 100% European.

    I don’t have a dog in this fight as I swore off the NFL in 1990 and baseball in 1994. But, give me a break…they’re literally clowns in someone else’s circus.

  20. @Truckbuddy: Um, my answer to that poll would be a question: WHY SHOULD THE FED GIVE MONEY TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? THE BASTARDS ARE ALREADY RICH!

    (Sorry for shouting, but I’m pissed.)

  21. @BillyFuster This would be the only time I could possibly afford to go to a Seahawks game. I have been wanting to attend a game for 10 years. A friend of mine flew to San Francisco last year to see the Seahawks because it was cheaper to fly to SFO, stay in a hotel, pay for tickets, etc. than to purchase tickets to go to Clink stadium less than 30 miles from home.

    Damn these players…I could actually afford to go now but won’t because of the players stupidity. I will also not tune in for the game on TV. They have spit in the face of some of their most loyal fans for the last time!

  22. @RebPirate: “Consider if you will;
    The guy that started this did so to call attention to the alleged ā€œoppression of blacksā€ in America.”

    From what I understand, he is not, nor has he ever been registered to vote.

  23. Looks like it’s about time for a self-correcting market move. Maybe by the end of the season tickets will be down to $25 (just looked up Seahawks tix $, jaw hit the floor, $100 for one nose bleed seat).

  24. Legends Football League:ā€œThe LFL recognizes everyoneā€™s First Amendment right to protest, but our nationā€™s flag and anthem are far too sacred,ā€ the league said. ā€œToo many fellow Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice, so that our flag and anthem continue in all its majesty.ā€

    Hoping I can link to their youtoob…

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