Don’t Compare Biden to Carter: Joe’s Not Fit to Shine Jimmy’s Shoes – IOTW Report

Don’t Compare Biden to Carter: Joe’s Not Fit to Shine Jimmy’s Shoes

Daily Caller: The Biden-Carter comparison is a natural one, and not just because Biden shares Carter’s gruesome approval ratings. Both had to cope with similar problems: Inflation, an energy shock, Russian assertiveness, and the implosion of an American Middle East ally. Both inspired widespread feeling that the American superpower was over-the-hill and soon to be surpassed by foreign rivals.

And then, there’s the personal dimension: Joe Biden was the first U.S. senator to endorse Carter for president all the way back in 1975, when Carter was a longshot dark horse candidate for the Democratic nomination.

Unfortunately for Joe Biden and the American people, however, Joe Biden isn’t half the man Jimmy Carter was, despite the hilarious optical illusion captured in this viral fish-lens photograph. more

14 Comments on Don’t Compare Biden to Carter: Joe’s Not Fit to Shine Jimmy’s Shoes

  1. I never thought Carter was a bad man, just thought he was a bad president.

    I could be wrong but I got the impression that Carter genuinely tried to do good but was way over his head. A navy vet, a man of faith, his problem was more incompetence than malevolence. No such accolades can be given to Biden. He is a no-good rotten scoundrel who always cheated, took the easy way out, and never sought the goodwill of people or country, his only purpose in life was to benefit himself and his social/financial standing.

  2. “Both had to cope with similar problems …”
    “Both had to cope with similar problems of their own making and design.”

    Fixed it for ya!

    Carter was an anti-American Globaloney piece of shit – as is Biden.
    Both are evil. Make no mistake – they both worship the same god – Satan.
    Inflation doesn’t just fall out of the sky – not then, not now.
    Energy is manipulated – and both administrations did (are doing) whatever they could (can) to crush the petroleum industry.
    Russians can smell weakness – as can most others – and the stench of Jimmy and Joey is strong.

    This “Gee, he seems like such a nice guy” is complete bullshit. There are no paradoxes, no coincidences, no unintended consequences. Politics is all connived bullshit by conniving maggots. Someone is raking in the dough – find out who and you’ve answered all the questions.

    They should both hang for Treason.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Give Doug credit! you changed his quote about Ike and the founder of “the Military industrial Complex”. But just a little.

    “Do not compare Ike to Marshall! Marshall IS NOT FIT TO BE HIS BOOT BLACK!”

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