Don’t eat the orange snow – IOTW Report

Don’t eat the orange snow

Ice Age Now: Orange-tinted snow blanketed parts of Eastern Europe over the weekend, baffling people from countries like Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania and Moldova.

Meteorologists said the phenomenon was caused by sand from storms in the Sahara Desert mixing with snow and rain, and happens about every five years.  Watch


8 Comments on Don’t eat the orange snow

  1. @Brad ~ OT … but when she learns to swivel her hip she’s gonna be very, very good! great form … especially the arms in the follow-through

    “we now return you to your regularly scheduled program”

  2. The inability to keep my head still has always plagued my game as I could never do better than high 70s low 80s…. alas that was years ago before my shoulders turned to wood..
    When I lived in Napoli back in the 70s, we would sometimes get thunderstorms that poured red mud on everything. The explanation was wind from the south….

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. That video got real interesting, they are going in’to even worse weather than our East Coast is experienceing.
    What sucks is the weather has mostly the “White world” pinned down, and that leaves a defensive population looking for answers !

  4. Amateurs, Ask anyone in North Texas about red precipitation and you’ll find it’s a regular deal.

    In Dallas, we get red clouds, red rain, red dust, red snow when it blows in from Oklahoma.

    Of course, OK has it worse. Lived OK City six months and the red dust permeates everything. It was impossible to keep it out of the brand new house we were in.

    Talk about windy! Move over Chicago.


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