Don’t fall for the cascade of media lies this election season – IOTW Report

Don’t fall for the cascade of media lies this election season

AT: The media are in the business of selling political narratives.  It is incorrect to think the media are “reporting the facts.”  Those days, if they ever existed, are gone.  As consumers of news, we must always be skeptical and always look for the motives behind the stories.

Elections can turn on powerful narratives, so enormous effort is put into developing useful political storylines.  When Obama’s good friend, leftist activist Robert Creamer, wanted to create a media narrative about violent Trump-supporters, for the 2016 election, he hired and trained people to instigate violence at rallies, film the violence, and thus help the media sell their desired narrative. James O’Keefe provided undercover video proving that this happened.

If you have the media on your side, narratives are not that difficult to produce.  If, for example, real leftist violence is hurting your chances in an upcoming election, you could easily produce a counter-narrative.  You could make totally fake bombs and mail them to Democrat leaders.  We don’t know if that happened this week, but it certainly would be easy, and it would allow the lackeys in the media to tell the stories they are anxious to tell.

If Democrats have a problem with waning support from Hispanics, they could have a “caravan” of “refugees” head for the border right about now.  The stories the media will tell you about this caravan are probably already written and will contain the following: Trump is a racist and hates Hispanics, Trump is cruel, borders are cruel, etc.  There will be touching vignettes of sympathetic women and children (though the vast majority of the invaders are young males).  read more

2 Comments on Don’t fall for the cascade of media lies this election season

  1. “It’s horrible that President Trump calls us media the enemy.”
    Well you are my enemy.
    My political enemy.
    You have essentially declared war on me and my way of life.


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