Don’t Forget Hillary Proposed a Global Tax – IOTW Report

Don’t Forget Hillary Proposed a Global Tax

I S:  Hillary Clinton proposed a global tax with the UN as the disseminator in 2012. We thought we would take you back to her comments at the time since the UN is still pushing for it and she is still a globalist. The UN has committees working on it today.

In 2012, the UN formalized tax proposals into a document to be voted on in the General Assembly . The document is entitled: “In Search of New Development Finance. It was a plan for global taxation and since the UN can’t tax member states, the members had to agree to it and in the US it would have to be a treaty. Since our administration ignores the Senate, one has to wonder if the Senate would even have to ratify. It could end up like the nuclear deal.

This global minimum tax  gives the power to regulate, oversee, and disperse the taxes collected to the U.N. not the U.S. The causes it would finance would include many things that Americans do not agree with – Socialist agenda items – and we would be forced to pay for it. It might start with the wealthy but it will trickle down.

The highlights of the taxes:

  • A 1% income tax on billionaires around the world (apprx. 1,600 total, 425 in the US);
  • A tax on all financial transactions including stocks, bonds & derivatives;
  • A tax on currency transactions in the US dollar, euro, yen & pound sterling;
  • A carbon tax of $25 per ton of CO2 emitted by developed countries only;
  • A carbon tax on all commercial airline flights from the US to Europe;
  • A royalty on all oil & gas extracted from wells over 100 miles offshore; and
  • A global tobacco tax with the proceeds going to the World Health Organization

This would of course undermine our sovereignty but what do globalists care?

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7 Comments on Don’t Forget Hillary Proposed a Global Tax

  1. Around the same time, if memory serves, a proposal was floated that the UN establish a standing Armed Force.

    This is Inter-National Socialism writ large, with the principals too chicken-shit to call themselves what they are.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We see this, we read this….why in the Name of Righteousness cannot the voters across the land see this? MSM shovels tons of Cankle’s shit hourly, but would absolutely rip open their own guts before publishing anything remotely true about the Skank….makes you just want to pistol whip them till they stop moving..

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