Don’t Let Him Sniff It! – IOTW Report

Don’t Let Him Sniff It!

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5 Comments on Don’t Let Him Sniff It!

  1. ecp
    DECEMBER 14, 2020 AT 8:23 AM
    “What almost bothers me more than Joe sniffing the walls of the White House is knowing full well his most frequent guest, Obama, will put his feet all over the furniture.”

    …that’s the Harris Multicultural House and Supreme Court Justice President Obama to YOU, peasant…

  2. The next four years will be a degrading time in this country when morals shall fall and “money” will be the only goal. If you want to see the result watch the movie “Cabaret”…………………. with the brown shirts marching in the back ground. The Weimar republic all over again..

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