Don’t Let Liberals Win By Making You Care – IOTW Report

Don’t Let Liberals Win By Making You Care


Kurt Schlichter: So, the president may have been cavorting with Playboy playmates and porn stars a decade or so ago and…and what? Oh, right, we’re supposed to care.

We don’t care. We can’t.

And you can almost see the liberals drooling. You can see their Fredocon gimp bros’ nodding their vinyl-encased heads.

Yes, yes, this is finally it! This time we’ll strip Donald Trump’s supporters from him because he failed to meet the standards we think our opponents should adhere to! This time it will work!

Nah. We just don’t care.

I don’t mean that we are simply unconcerned about Donald Trump’s past hobbies. I mean that our depth and breadth of not caring is so deep and wide as to create a critical mass of not giving a damn of such intensity that it is brighter than a million suns.

We just don’t care what Trump did with his pneumatic bimbos – to the extent anyone even believes them. His critics don’t really seem to. They never gave a damn about this stuff until a Republican allegedly did something. Or until one did nothing – they were outraged about Mitt Romney too.

Perhaps we fail to meet the moral standards of people who already call us racist, sexist, greedy, stupid, and all sorts of other stuff. You heard what Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit said about us. Hell, we are murdering children by sticking up for the Constitution, remember? But gee, it seems that this time we have really disappointed them. This time it’s totally serious. We’ve really done it now. Now our enemies are going to think really, really badly of us.


We talk a lot about the New Rules, and how the liberals and their lackeys are going to hate them. Well, they certainly do hate them. No, not because they have something against kinky side action. There’s no need to remind these hypocrites of their affinity for Bill Clinton, he of the human humidor and the Oval Office bad aim. Oh, and don’t forget the Lion of the Senate, Teddy “Vroom Vroom Splash Splash” Kennedy, the chef who liked to whip up the occasional waitress sandwich after getting staggeringly hammered.  more here

22 Comments on Don’t Let Liberals Win By Making You Care

  1. Know I had to empty my basket of give a shit to make room for all the deplorables.
    Besides, a porn star, how cool is that?
    Wonder if she made him wear a rubber?
    Meantime, Hillary is still NACHO president.
    The way she keeps falling, seems we dodged two bullets, Hillary and Timmah.

  2. Hey, you liberal sacks of shit – After the false messiah weaponized our own government against us, and you allowed it – encouraged it – I will tolerate a LOT from our guy

  3. Thank you, Kurt Schlichter.

    We are talking about a group of people who made up a big fat lie about “golden showers”, prostitutes and the sacred Russian bed of The Won. — After all.


  4. In my youth, part of the desire to get my grubby paws on filthy lucre in staggering amounts was the probability that these same grubby paws would then be allowed access to hot saucy women who would normally have nothing to do with a Non-Billion-Dollar-Having-Lazlo
    And then run for office

  5. Remember when the liberals cared about Choom Gang, Rainbow Room, Reggie, Transcripts, Birth Certificate, and all the Okey Dokes? Not to mention gun running and his murder permitting secretary of state and… Yeah, I don’t remember either.

  6. Kurt’s dead on about this. Another factor I wonder about: the Left expects us to be outraged if Trump had an affair (10 years ago and not as Prez). And the same Left wants to make fun of VP Mike Pence because he won’t go to dinner with another woman unless his wife is present. You can’t win with these assholes, so don’t try.

  7. I have decided the Progs are all bipolar.
    Comey is awful, until POTUS fires his ass, them, meraciously, he is transformed into a saint.
    What is wrong with these people?
    It’s a mass psychosis, crazy is as crazy does.

  8. Progressivism is political pornography. It’s the filthy dog and pony show of today’s discourse. It reeks of that which is foul and impure. I would rather be water boarded with garbage truck juice than to listen to more of the sick lies of the left. I’d rather swim across a croc infested river wearing a leisure suit made of rotting meat than to give them any credence.

  9. Zero fucks given here at casa de Whatshername! We hired Trump to do a job and he’s already exceeded our expectations. His personal life is his business.


    Because whatever Trump ever did or said, is incomparable to the contempt that we have with the SCUMBAGS who have ruined and sold out our country for decades inside the beltway.

    And now the only strategy they have left is to “muddy the waters” so people forget they are SCUMBAGS and Trump is the antidote.

  11. There were people saying the same thing Schlicter is now over a decade ago but they were shouted down, delinked and blacklisted by the former Blog Kings. The Aces, the Protein Wisdoms, etc.

    The language was too course. They didn’t cut sympathetic figures. We, gasp, lowered ourselves to the liberal level.

    Well, to paraphrase Team America:
    We’re dicks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the liberals are pussies. And Kim Jong-Un is an asshole. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes – assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn’t appropriate – and it takes a pussy to show ’em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves, because pussies are only an inch-and-a-half away from assholes. I don’t know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don’t let us fuck this asshole, we are going to have our dicks and our pussies all covered in shit.

  12. This would be a good time to say thank you to IOTW for not reporting that crap here. I would rather watch nothing but compilations of Hillary coughing and falling down, than a single Sturmy Dangles story.

  13. Is she one of those that would have “let him grab her by the….”?
    Did he? How many have made the claim and then slithered away with no proof?
    What did Slick Willy do? They gave him a pass for 25 years.


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