‘Don’t let the door hit ya’: Comedian shreds celebrities vowing to leave U.S. if Trump wins – IOTW Report

‘Don’t let the door hit ya’: Comedian shreds celebrities vowing to leave U.S. if Trump wins

Just The News-

Every four years, celebrities come out of the woodwork to say they’ll abandon America if the Republican candidate for president wins the White House.

They never do, of course, but they get some press in the meantime.

Comedian Michael Loftus has a message to all multimillionaires who think Americans actually care what they think: Good riddance.

16 Comments on ‘Don’t let the door hit ya’: Comedian shreds celebrities vowing to leave U.S. if Trump wins

  1. They shoot their mouths off, posing for the camera, trying to get the attention they no longer attract but they never leave. If Springsteen does go to Australia he’ll do it with much fanfare (trying to recapture his “glory days”) then a few months later will slink back into to States with some lame excuse. As for the idiot whose going to buy a greek island to retire to he may find the climate isn’t much to his liking what with nobody there who knows who he is and the Greeks and Turkey squaring off.

    By the by for those that think Canada would be a great place to go try to remember we really don’t want you up here pontificating and lecturing. We didn’t want Prince Harry and the Whore and they left for California where I’m sure they’ll be happy among the other bums and leeches.

  2. Nope. We load them on a military plane and dump them in the middle of Iran or Afghanistan. Once there, they can spout all the rhetoric they want…but they won’t live to tell about it. A win-win for everyone!

  3. “celebrities vowing to leave U.S.”

    Thas like my hemorrhoids vowing to shrink away to nothing.

    Promises, promises.

    Ya can’t trust a hemorrhoid – the ass kind or the Hollyweird kind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When this starts happening you know they are scared and lashing out like toddlers that are about to lose their guaranteed ice cream cone. That energy a lot of us are feeling and the enthusiasm showing up in the streets, they are seeing it too.

  5. “The thing that stings the most is that I feel like we’re embarrassing. I feel like people in Europe and the rest of the world look at America and think: ‘What the f*** are you guys doing over there? Stop voting for celebrities and get someone real to run the country.'”

    Oh, but we should listen to celebrities to know how to vote? And BTW, assholes, I don’t GAS what Europe and the rest of the world thinks of America.


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