Don’t let the media shame you into silence. You have an obligation question everything – IOTW Report

Don’t let the media shame you into silence. You have an obligation question everything

Sara Carter:

Since the night of the general election, it seems anyone who questions the results of the presidency is targeted by major media outlets as a conspiracy theorist, shamed on social media platforms and outed in news outlets as some sort of quack.

It’s a strategy that is extraordinarily effective and they have used it on everyone, including highly respected prosecutors, supporters of President Donald Trump and anyone who challenges the reporting of elitist Washington D.C. insiders.

The shaming, combined with the gaslighting of the American public is a weapon used by opponents of Trump and it has proven highly successful in keeping many people from speaking publicly about their concerns regarding the election.

I mean, they’ve already set the standard with the well-known and highly successful attorneys representing Trump, like Jenna Ellis and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. But no one has been targeted more viciously than Sidney Powell, who has filed several election lawsuits targeting the very questionable Dominion Voting Systems software used in 27 states, along with other irregularities. Of course, the company has denied all allegations against it but why is the media so intent on shaming this well respected prosecutor? more

8 Comments on Don’t let the media shame you into silence. You have an obligation question everything

  1. I left the “Major Media” behind many years ago. Just because the “Fair and Balanced” network has joined them does not make any difference, other than using NewsMax as the channel that is on when I turn on the TV.


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