Don’t Mess With This Texas Mama! – IOTW Report

Don’t Mess With This Texas Mama!

So, just to make something clear. To the kid who broke into my home tonight: I’m not sure that you know what this is but I am locked and loaded. And by the way, thank you for leaving all the evidence behind. Because guess what? You were on camera, breaking into our home.

And you’re so smart that you left your fingerprints everywhere for the McKinney PD to now have them. We have inside cameras, and we have outside cameras.

You won’t do it again. We will find you. Don’t mess with my home. It was not smart on your part young man, you committed a felony and you will be found. Period.

Go See

13 Comments on Don’t Mess With This Texas Mama!

  1. If someone were to come into our house while my wife was home, it won’t be good. For them. I don’t know if she’ll use the AK or the AR or the 870. But she will NOT put up with that shit. And she knows to not say ONE WORD to the police when they eventually arrive. She’ll safe the weapon, put it away, and render ‘first aid’ to the body.

    Have I told y’all how much I love my wife? We had our first anniversary yesterday. Godsend to me. My daughter introduced us. Lost my first wife in 2011. You guys here were a big help when that happened. I haven’t forgot.

  2. Good for her. I will stand beside her any day. It is time to take America back. SJW’s beware, we are tired or your bullshit and our patience has worn thin.
    Now to just get control of the courts and schools again.

  3. From Callie:”God bless you, Lowell.”

    She already has. My wife today is proof of that. I never expected to be where I am today, and I have a cup that ‘runneth over’. For all my faults and shortcomings, I have been given a most precious gift.

  4. Years ago a guy claiming to be a
    real estate agent walked uninvited
    into our home while the wife was
    there alone. I kept an old K98
    8mm rifle loaded with the bolt open
    in the corner of the bedroom.
    When she slammed that bolt home
    mister fast talking “real estate”
    man took off like a jackrabbit.
    That was 40 years ago, we’re
    still married and now you know

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