Don’t Miss It! – IOTW Report

Don’t Miss It!

A mass de-registration

from The Democratic Party!

bernie sanders campaign poster

25 Comments on Don’t Miss It!

  1. Wait? They’re really gonna leave the Democrat Party? Why, didn’t the exalted one give them all they wanted for the last eight years? If that is not the case, I want the last eight years back and a rollback of “ALL FRICKING LEGISLATION AND ANYTHING ELSE CREATED, SNACTIONED AND OR PERFORMED BY THE POLYNESIAN COCONUT IN CHIEF” and I want it now or I’ll be triggered!

  2. Anybody catch the two candidates speeches to the VFW? Yesterday the traitorous bitch addressed them and somebody had to wake them up when the speech was over. Today Trump addressed them and the were chanting Hillary for jail and USA USA. I think Trump might have their vote.

  3. Don’t fall for this.
    The Bernbots are working this for leverage.
    They hate Trump, but want to be relevant.
    A similar coalition snagged the win from her 8 years ago, and part of the way they did it was to threaten to vote Republican.
    Too bad our side was counting on their votes. We even fell for how the polls were influenced by it.
    The ‘Reagan Democrats’ were conservative Democrats.
    The Bernbots are frustrated white trash that desire a totalitarian Communist state where everyone suffers as much as they do.

  4. Many Democrats are starting to realize the democrat party left them, morality, God, integrity, honor, the Constitution, responsibility, law, liberty, freedom, self determination, free enterprise, quality education, strong military and common sense….all for progressive/socialism.

  5. The Bernie supports are huge on trade reform, huge on busting up the Oligarchy, huge on more jobs. They’re coming at it from totally the wrong direction but some of the do realize another four years just lets the Oligarchy to grow stronger. Bernie jumpers are not a myth as JohnShitforbrains would aledge. Trump WILL pick up many votes from them.

  6. I never minded Alicia Keys until just now. What a low life ignoramus.
    Accuses the opposition of racism (of course), then goes on to say we need to ‘celebrate our differences’. Just making sure, you don’t plan to celebrate any differences I may have with you, right? When some Islamo-Nazi is sawing off the head of someone you care about, will you celebrate your differences with them?

  7. Brad, I just checked out Bernie’s Fakebook page.
    Those supporters of his are pissed.
    Not just at the DNC, but at him too, for selling out.
    – Robert Miovsky
    “Why are you still talking about a revolution? You gave up and sold out and now you are encouraging the people who supported you all along to vote for the person who, only a few weeks ago you said wasn’t qualified to be POTUS. Please just stop, your words are clearly empty of any authenticity.”

  8. I caught the closing of Tuesday night’s DNC convention on CSPAN. (CSPAN? DNC?) was taking calls, and some lady from NJ was reading them the riot act. She was comparing Trump’s speeches at the RNC to the speeches at the DNC, and the DNC was coming in a distant fourth. You could just feel the embarrassment oozing from the CSPAN / DNC hosts, even though they weren’t saying a word.

  9. If we can convince a bunch of BernieBots that the DNC lied to them, we can show them that a lot more of what they’ve been told is bad for them. Small steps, one at a time.

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