Don’t worry Emma, strawmen can’t drive – IOTW Report

Don’t worry Emma, strawmen can’t drive


Patriot Retort: I had no idea Parkland teen Emma Gonzalez was still a thing.

But apparently she is.

And apparently, she’s been upgraded to “celebrity.”

Why else would Variety interview her?



Emma González: “I’m still worried, when I drive down the road and I’m not wearing a hat, that someone with gun stickers on their car is going to recognize me and run me off the road”

You know, I’m still worried, when I turn in at night, that the monster under my bed is going to get me.

Poor Emma. Still trying to paint the NRA as a terrorist organization.  more

10 Comments on Don’t worry Emma, strawmen can’t drive

  1. I was never aware of her, but apparently she’s the center of the universe. Don’t worry dear heart. Nobody knows who you are. You just look like a garden variety carpet muncher to me.


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