Don’t you just love home made things? – IOTW Report

Don’t you just love home made things?

This is so far beyond “too far.” 

h/y LBB

21 Comments on Don’t you just love home made things?

  1. First argument my wife and I had. This bathroom is mine you are not allowed to touch anything in here.
    We bought a house with 3 bathrooms, hers, mine, other.
    I don’t mind doing laundry so I do all the towels and my clothes. So she doesn’t even have to do the laundry from my bathroom.
    I hate fabric on the toilet anywhere.

  2. I found out a friend of mine was gay looking at his bathroom. Men do not put fabric on anything including
    Toilets,toasters, Kleenex boxes etc. If you go to a man’s house and it looks like a woman also lives there.
    The man is gay.

  3. 2 chili dogs from the Shell station
    and I would “decorate” that scratchey-itchey
    looking pile of synthetic yarn with
    explosive projectile hell-fire diarrhea.

  4. Don’t hug the artist.
    That had to be fitted a couple times before it was completed.
    Looking at the tiled wall, I say this is at a Sapp Bros. or a Flying J on I-80 somewhere west of Davenport.

  5. I can only imagine what that ugly knitted toilet seat would look like the day after January 1. Whoever knitted that has way too much time on their hands. Looking at it makes me wanna hurl!

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