Spero News: Steven Otis, 52, is a double amputee who was beaten and robbed of his wheelchair and money. He was wheeling down a sidewalk in Brockton, Massachusetts, on Friday at the time of the attack. He told CBS Boston, “I was coming up the sidewalk, one hit the back of my head. One took my wallet and one took my wheelchair.” said Otis. They knocked him down and stole his wheelchair while he lay on the ground.
Otis crawled on the sidewalk in the rain with his arms and made it about 100 feet away from where he was robbed.
There’s only one type of human that would do something like this. When these type of people are spawned, they’re usually named something like, Dedarius.
Well, there’s good old Brockton back in the news again. There some other hideous news story on this site within the last month. I can’t remember what it was, as there are so many hideous stories these days.
Did a search. It was the state senator from Brockton tipping off her illegals about upcoming ICE raids.
Anyone want to place bets on the race of the attackers?
HIMs HERs and ITs
not sure what the correlations are, but…
HER: Looks like he’s got a whole canoe of furs, Pop. A sure enough mountain man.
IT: Nothin’ but the finest for you, sir. Whiskey?
HER: Pa, him being a trapper, do you suppose he might know what that varmint is we got?
IT: Sir, we catched us a cave-dwellin’ critter. It’d be right satisfyin’ havin’ you tell us what it is.
HIM: Well, I don’t know too much about cave-dwellin’ varmints.
IT: Just yonder, take your jug.
HIM: Hey there, now…
HIM: You are a pretty girl, you sure you got a varmint in here?
How else dey gonna get money for clothes and school supplies?
Under Sharia, the perps would lose body parts in a public square.
Under any future Russian or Red Chinese army occupation, their entire sociodemographic group has no future.
In most of the Third World– Brazil, Africa, most of Asia– street criminals eventually turn up in alleyways, often in groups, executed with whatever caliber local LEO use.
Only in America do we tolerate repeat street criminals to remain in circulation.
Shameful! At least he got his wheelchair back.
well it couldn’t have been illegal immigrants because they only have love in their hearts.
Those criminals are scum. Hope they are found.
“They see me rollin’…”
Sigh. So much evil.