Double whammy ahead? Lawmaker warns of impact from diesel shortage, rail strike after election – IOTW Report

Double whammy ahead? Lawmaker warns of impact from diesel shortage, rail strike after election

“It’s another game where the Biden administration has kicked the can down the road,” Rep. Bryan Steil warns.


Wisconsin Rep. Bryan Steil says that the economy could take a dual hit after the election if diesel shortages persist and rail unions strike as promised. 

In September, rail workers threatened to strike after the election if they could not agree to a new contract with railroad companies, which would result in substantial problems for the U.S. economy and its already challenged supply chain.

“It’s incredibly concerning,” Steil said Tuesday on the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “We got to remember this is just weeks after President Biden told us that he had this all under control, and the trains would be running on time.

”We’re now learning it’s anything but that. It’s another game where the Biden administration has kicked the can down the road and kicked it past this election.” more

10 Comments on Double whammy ahead? Lawmaker warns of impact from diesel shortage, rail strike after election

  1. They are not kicking a can down the road they are kicking a powderkeg.

    Commie Dem’s are destroying America on purpose 😡

    If the election doesn’t go their way they will take it out on the American people 😡

  2. And the world’s biggest container shipping company, Maersk, said the future for global trade looks bleak.

    So we have WEF and the globalists willing to shut down global trade to combat global warming.

    I’m always optimistic, but the future reality may not so much be the high cost of goods, but the scarcity of goods we need to survive.

    It’s “whatever it takes” for them to win. The cost will be enormous and ordinary folks will be the ones to pay.

  3. Well let’s toss a nuther log on the ole bon fire!!
    In addition to everything that Dems have to destroy our next generation with Common Core, CRT, BLM, implementation of Gender dysphoria, pervert theories and gender mutilation surgery to knee-cap their bodys and minds so that they will no longer be able to think rationally or reproduce, democRATz contiue to destroy, destroy, destroy:
    * Destroyed our Energy sources
    * Destroyed our Military
    * Destroyed our Foreign Policy
    * Destroyed our Police forces
    * Destroyed our big cities with violent crime waves
    * Destroyed our Southern Border
    * Destroyed our entire Immigration process
    * Destroyed agreements
    * Destroyed the World’s confidence in the United States of America!
    * Destroyed the Manufacturing Supply Chain
    * Destroyed the Economy with raging inflation
    * Destroyed the Dollar
    * Destroyed the Stock Market
    * Destroyed employment
    * Destroyed small businesses
    * Destroyed food distribution centers
    * Destroyed the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
    * Create a baby formula shortage crisis while making sure Illegals have plenty.
    * Enabling school shooters and blocking the addition of school hardening.
    * Exploding crime wave due to “Defunding the Police and turning violent criminals loose.
    * Lie about everything: “Inflation is good” “More Americans feel financially comfortable now than any time since 2013 “We are not in a recession” (typical Communist propaganda)
    * Allowed the Chinese to purchase land near our military installations
    * Politically weaponized the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS and the CIA
    * Created a critical diesel shortage

    You certainly don’t have to be an insurance actuary to see that we flew past “coincidence” well over a year ago and you certainly don’t need a crystal ball to see that the Leftist rat-bastards are doing everything in their power to bring the nation down to its lowest level of Suck using Cloward-Piven, Alinsky and Marxist Venezuela-like divisionary tactics while looting the treasury like it’s an inner-city CVS! Can there be any doubt about who the real enemy is?

  4. And that’s why I’ll be letting select RINOS and even some actual conservatives ‘win’

    Because my peeps will still own the Presidency.

    My peeps will still own the bureaucracy.

    Republicans will be unable to do anything.

    But it will be THEIR hands everyone sees on the wheel when the ship WE scuttled goes down.

    My peep’s media will see to THAT!

    Enjoy the ‘win’ I’ll let you have, at the orders of my masters.

    They have already seen to it that it will be your last!


  5. YES, a double whammy is ahead

    And brought to you by the


    To be their ” Bartender’s Kiss ”

    Their cheap PARTING SHOT

    What you get for electing them at all!


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