Doug Campbell: Obama, FBI heads turned their backs on our country – IOTW Report

Doug Campbell: Obama, FBI heads turned their backs on our country

Doug Campbell: Obama, FBI heads turned their backs on our country

The FBI undercover informant who gave evidence of Russian wrong doing says U.S. leaders did little because they believed Hillary Clinton would be president.

8 Comments on Doug Campbell: Obama, FBI heads turned their backs on our country

  1. this is just so old and tired.

    nobody who has been involved in this public coup attempt has even been charged yet and after looking into’s Barr’s professional history, I doubt we will ever see any charges filed despite what durham is doing or going to “present” sometime around 2028.

  2. The hardest thing to do right now — just as we are about to be victorious — is to stay in the fight. It’s really, really hard to continue caring about whether we win or not under the onslaught of depressing and demoralizing events of our day. The only rational way for any sane person to react to what is going on all around us is to retreat from it. And we should all take a break from reading and watching “the news” and poring over online media looking for some sort of silver lining or a shred of sense in all the nonsense.

    I’m frequently so overwhelmed by it that I’m down to three websites a day and no cable at all. I dropped BadBlue off my rounds several months ago. It was all just too much.

    Two things to consider:

    1. This is an election year. The Marxist Democrats have intentionally ratcheted up their assault on our senses to eleventy. You better accept that there is nothing out-of-bounds for them. Nothing. They want us all to beg for it to stop; to do anything to just make them stop.

    There is something we can do. Vote. Get everyone we know to vote. Don’t sit it out.

    2. It’s always darkest before the dawn. If this coming election and the promise of a Trump reelection wasn’t felt to be so lethal to the Democrat Marxists, they wouldn’t be doing the things they are doing. That long, diligent march they’ve been taking since the 1960’s is about to come to a screeching halt. Every one of the American institutions on which they’ve planted their flags — Media, Entertainment, Academia, Government, The Church, Globalist Business — is under intense scrutiny, and they know it. Everything they feared under a Trump presidency has materialized, and he has laid bare their ugliness for all America to see. It’s no accident that huge numbers of Democrat Plantation dwellers have left that real estate in the past three years.

    What we’re witnessing is 1968, but sorta in reverse. 1968 was called “A crack in time” by ABC and Frank Reynolds. It was called “A year that changed America” by CBS News and Harry Reasoner. Smithsonian magazine gave us: “A Timeline of 1968, A Year That Shattered America.”

    My friends, I believe that 2020 will be the year America recovered its senses and finally threw off the 60 year, hungover stupor brought to us by those morons from the 60’s.

    (It’s the middle of the night and I could go on and on and on. I’ll spare us all and go back to bed now. I’ll just say that tomorrow will probably seem worse, but it will get very much better.)

  3. Yes, vote and get others to vote but the most important
    thing to do is to keep our faith in God’s justice and pray
    for the safety of America and confusion to the enemies of The Republic.

  4. AA,
    Ya ain’t seen nuthin, yet!

    The riots across America are training grounds for their Storm Troopers – and – AND they get to intimidate voters in the process!
    Our cities (cesspools) are ripe for fraud. “Voting” will be a chimera. Mail-in ballots are being printed already filled out for millions of dead Americans and their dead cats.
    The nihilist governors and mayors are setting us up for another “Kent State” moment – when some poor schlubb pulls a trigger on some useful idiot – and we get another orchestrated, exponentially virulent “George Floyd.”

    Hang on – rapids ahead.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. And are still chickenshit revolutionaries actively trying to create a Stalinist situation in our country – more people need to pay attention to the lessons of history rather than try to discredit the truths that are uncomfortable, or unacceptable, to them.

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