Doug Mastriano: Pennsylvania Citizens Deserve Safety, Parental Rights, And Secure Elections – IOTW Report

Doug Mastriano: Pennsylvania Citizens Deserve Safety, Parental Rights, And Secure Elections\

PA Gubernatorial Candidate Doug Mastriano: Pennsylvania Citizens Deserve Safety, Parental Rights, And Secure Elections. An 11 minute interview with Jack Posobiec on Bannon’s War Room.

4 Comments on Doug Mastriano: Pennsylvania Citizens Deserve Safety, Parental Rights, And Secure Elections

  1. I don’t know what to make of this guy. He’s certainly a zillion times better than Shapiro but when he’s calling for “secure elections” I have the look on my face that my dogs do when they hear something weird.

    In 2021, Leah Hoppes and Greg Stenstrom had put together an irrefutable mountain of evidence of the massive voter fraud that took place in PA. It included logs of 10s if not 100s of 1,000s of ballots in boxes with no chain of custody, pictures of ballot boxes being unloaded in the counting center after it supposedly was closed, pictures of a guy(identified) with a baggie of USB drives and one of him sticking it in a voting machine, observations(they were poll watchers as well) of numerous violations of the count.

    All that and much more plus they named names, in both parties, of the participants. Mastriano was headed to DC along with others from PA to demand(HA!) that their elector certification be denied or at least reviewed. He agreed to meet with Leah & Greg so he could include their findings at the Congressional hearing. He blew them off.

    Seems like a solid guy, 20 year Navy vet, family man, says the right shit. I learned from reading Greg & Leah’s book that to hold office in PA, no matter your party, once you’re in, you are beholden to TPTB.

    The fraud that happened in Philadelphia County and stole PA for Biden was all she wrote. DJT had an insurmountable lead of 700,000 votes on election night and 2 days later lost by 18,000. People that had proof were ignored(and still are) by Mastriano.

  2. “Deserve?”
    That’s a funny word, there.
    People “deserve” the gov’t they tolerate.
    If they vote for liars, thieves, perverts, and Satanic assholes – then they “deserve” to be oppressed, enslaved, abused, starved, and murdered.
    If they stick their heads in the sand with their asses in the air – then they “deserve” to get fucked.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He’s a 20 year Army vet MMinWa…and while little came of illegal voting issues in Pa remember that Dems controlled everything including the AG (Shapiro).

    They did what they could. You will find that Doug is not loved by the (“tptb”) mainstream anti-Trump BLM
    Loving repubs that still a problem. That’s wht this ELE tion is close.

    Vote Mastriano!!!!


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