Downward facing liar – IOTW Report

Downward facing liar

7 Comments on Downward facing liar


    I AM IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY WHERE THE NEWS IS FOX. Fuck megyn. Very disappointed with Huckabee, but maybe he has a reason to be polite.

    So the the dems found an American soldier of Pakistani origin that died in combat and they use this to beat up Trump on no Muslims from terrorist areas.

    I feel the parents pain, but really? Are you that fucking special to ask whether Trump ever visited Arlington?

    My father fought in the WWII! where he and many companies down the line from him, where bombed by the US Air Corp during the Normandy breakout. Many of those aren’t at Arlington because they where obiterated.

    I can feel his pain, but his son isn’t special. I got an uncle buried in Manila.

    The Dems are true low lifes. Who donated the flags for the optics of Hilliiary’s coronation? Not a one on day one.

  2. If your cause is just you don’t have to lie about it. The progressive/communist story starts with a lie, lives through lies and finishes with lies. The people involved never weigh out the risk of ‘getting caught’ in a lie, they only measure one lie against another to gauge how slightly more believable or effective it is and disdain those who don’t appreciate their efforts — in much the same way as a bad artist dismisses those who ‘don’t get’ their masterpiece. Think: Mattress Girl, Lena Dunham, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, mothers of would-be cop killers. Unrepentant liars, all.

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