Dozens of Celebrities Owe California Big Bucks in Back Taxes – IOTW Report

Dozens of Celebrities Owe California Big Bucks in Back Taxes

KFI: Celebrities, they’re just like us!

[…] Comedian Chris Tucker probably isn’t laughing the hefty $1.2 million tax bill he owes to California. It’s also not the first time the comedian has gotten into trouble with the taxman before. A $2.5 million lien was placed on Tucker’s Georgia home four years ago over unpaid taxes which he blamed on “poor accounting and business management.”  See the rest

8 Comments on Dozens of Celebrities Owe California Big Bucks in Back Taxes

  1. Dear Hollywooders, If you are not capable of managing your own finances then kindly spare us you unsolicited opinions on any and/or all issues. If your are not able to run your own house then don’t tell me how to run mine. In other words STFU. Yes Ms Milano, this means you too.

  2. “Taxes for thee;
    Not for me.”

    The tax mantra of the socialist/totalitarian class.
    They know that the “Tax the Rich” campaigns are mostly bullshit, and that the “middle” class pays 90% of all taxes. But the slogans sound good to the masses of great unwashed who pull the levers of their own destruction – those voters who have neither the time nor the inclination to think.

    Taxation (for anything other than what is absolutely the minimum necessary for “good” government) is extortion – and for that they have my sympathy. For their hypocrisy – they have nothing but my scorn (not that they GAF).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They’re waiting for the governor Moonbeam exit pardon. If worse comes to worse they can pin their hopes on the fag’s pin up boy Gavin Newsom to let it slide. It only takes some campaign contributions at a rate of 20% of taxes owed.

  4. Oh my, this is rich. Those filthy rich liberals support every tax and spend measure and candidate. If you or I owed the state of California one dollar in overdue taxes, the state would find out we’re conservatives and make overdue taxes and penalties equal to what some of these hypocritical deadbeats owe.

  5. Dumb bastards missed their window of opportunity, a documented record of tax evasion like that could have gotten them a plum position in the Jug Eared Lightworker’s Administration.


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