Dozens of Hong Kong Activists Arrested in Most Severe Crackdown Yet by China – IOTW Report

Dozens of Hong Kong Activists Arrested in Most Severe Crackdown Yet by China

PJM: Hong Kong police have arrested at least 53 former lawmakers and democracy activists for violating the city’s draconian national security law. The crackdown targeted those responsible for organizing a primary election held last July in advance of the vote for the legislature.

The primary was designed to cull the number of pro-democracy candidates and give the democracy movement a better chance of having a strong representation in the legislature. Eventually, the election was postponed due to the pandemic but authorities warned at the time that the organizers of the primary may be subject to prosecution under the new security law.

Of those 53 arrested, six were taken into custody for planning the primary, and 47 were arrested for participating.

The reason for the crackdown was laughably bogus. more

10 Comments on Dozens of Hong Kong Activists Arrested in Most Severe Crackdown Yet by China

  1. Those in Hong Kong are showing extreme courage and if we don’t display the same in this crisis we may face the same fate as they’re likely to.
    I admire the courage shown by these people!

  2. President* Joey Obiden Bama will be sending his special envoy, Humper Biden, to negotiate the fate of these unfortunate, misunderstood, democracy advocates. Perhaps a deal can be made to exchange them for eliminating sanctions against the ChiComs.


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