Dozens of White House Staffers Abruptly Suspended, Asked to Resign – IOTW Report

Dozens of White House Staffers Abruptly Suspended, Asked to Resign

Western Journal:

The Biden Administration has suspended dozens of young White House staffers for past marijuana use that the administration had previously said would not disqualify them from their positions, according to a Thursday report.

The Daily Beast reported that affected staffers were “suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program,” according to three people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Staffers who recreationally used cannabis in one of the 14 states where cannabis is legal were also affected by the policy. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law. more

23 Comments on Dozens of White House Staffers Abruptly Suspended, Asked to Resign

  1. VietVet got it right.

    Biteme’s entire career, if not life, has been a lie. He occupies the highest office in the land because of a lie. If you staffers believed his “promise” not to be punished, well then, you’re not very smart are you?

  2. Well, back when Kamala Harris made that “admission,” some people noted that her story didn’t quite add up:

    Kamala Harris claims to have smoked pot in college while listening to Tupac and Snoop.

    Tupac’s first album came out in 1991.
    Snoop’s first album came out in 1993.

    Kamala Harris graduated college in 1986.

  3. The regime that got into power through a wide range of illegalities is doing this? Remember, that when they’re doing one thing, it’s to distract us from what they’re really doing.

    There’s something happening here.
    What it is ain’t exactly clear.

  4. But trannies, pedos, the chief child sniffer, home wreckers, Chinese money launderers are A-OK.
    Has Joe seen the videos and pictures of Hunter parading around with a 6 yr old girl dressed in red and black lace lingerie?

  5. or placed in a remote work program,”

    Excellent idea. Send pot heads to work from home where they can get high all day in their mom’s basement wearing their jammies, but still get paid.

    This administration, nope, this entire government is a complete fucking joke.


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