Dr. Birx Says The Fed’s COVID Science Was Based On “HOPE” – IOTW Report

Dr. Birx Says The Fed’s COVID Science Was Based On “HOPE”

Jim Jordan gets Debbie Birx to admit the truth .

25 Comments on Dr. Birx Says The Fed’s COVID Science Was Based On “HOPE”

  1. @ Grim Reaper JUNE 25, 2022 AT 11:57 AM

    I told mine: No, I don’t trust that the flue shot you are offering hasn’t been salted with MRNA. I will not be taking a flue shot, or any other injection from here on out on your advice. Thank you very much.

  2. What do you expect? This was all they had during the former guys administration. Oops almost forgot, we did have his most trusted sharpy.
    Over here we have a big circle followed by a straight line….

  3. BillB — It’s apparent no one here explained that you don’t give a thumbs up to your own comments. Most people know this as a matter of doing what is right. I’m not surprised that, as a cult follower of a guy who didn’t use his real name (Barry Soetoro) or birth certificate, you care about what is right.

  4. All were approved by Trump! Vaccines fast‐tracked by Trump!
    Companies making the vaccines free from all lawsuits, signed into law by Trump! Support your loser,we do not! DeSantis for President 2024!

  5. @Anonymous June 25, 2022 at 1:06 pm

    > We cannot let these people walk away and shrug it off as just a mistake after what they’ve done to humanity.

    Now! That’s what we’re…

    Oh. A Post-It on the outside of their Permanent Records.

    Sorry. Just go “a little” excited.

  6. Hope in one hand and kill 10s of thousands in the other.

    Such a difficult choice for the FDA, Fauci, big pharma and the so called scientists who lied repeatedly and are still lying.


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