Dr. Birx to Retire After Getting Caught Violating Her Own Guidance – IOTW Report

Dr. Birx to Retire After Getting Caught Violating Her Own Guidance

Dan Bongino-

After countless politicians have been caught violating their very own coronavirus restrictions, it’s a non-elected government official who will be the first to step down over it.

We learned earlier in the week that Dr. Deborah Birx traveled with family out of state for Thanksgiving – disregarding her own advice that people should stay home for the holiday and not gather. Birx was joined by thee generations of family for Thanksgiving – and she defended the trip by saying she needed to “take care of winterizing the property before a potential sale.” She added “I did not go to Delaware for the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving,” as if the reason for a family gathering has any effect on the spread of the coronavirus. more here

22 Comments on Dr. Birx to Retire After Getting Caught Violating Her Own Guidance

  1. She regards herself as a ‘civil servant.’

    And she “wants the Biden administration to be successful.”

    Obviously, she is not of sound mind – and should never have been in ANY position within government.

  2. I just sent this note to some IOTW-linked acquaintances. Seems like it fits here…

    “Boo MF’n Hoo” indeed! The swamp bitch should just be VERY VERY glad she isn’t twisting and swaying from a gibbet next to her equally vile little shitweasel friend Fauxci. Let’s look at their record of the loss of life in India associated with their AIDS “expertise”, and another vaccine promoted by their dear fried Bill Gates, shall we?

    I keep thinking of a variation of Henry II’s line about Thomas Beckett: “Will no one rid us of these meddlesome, lying shitweasels?”.

  3. …this experience has been a bit overwhelming. It has been very difficult on my family…I think what was done over the last week to my family.

    should be “think what I did over the last week to my family.”

    Mealy-mouthed shitweasels are prone to use the passive voice.

  4. Ok – she collects her full retirement – THEN biden and team hire her AGAIN for some taxpayer-paid job as a hack!

    That’s brix’s payoff for helping to scam the nation.

    We no longer live in America, boys. Get that. We have to get the fuck out of living under a scam government: start the divorce talks.

  5. I love how these leftist tyrants always make themselves the victim when they get caught flaunting rules they impose on others. While she has been getting a paycheck and living the high life at her multiple homes with her extended family she had no qualms telling the rest of us to give up our businesses, stay home, isolate, only one member should go to the store, no church, no Thanksgiving or Christmas – stronger together my ass.

  6. Now, go those wonky teeth fixed, Dr. Snaggletooth.

    Maybe you can go back to your alma mater and teach fashion styling at Penn State.

    Meanwhile, mask up over that nasty-looking mouth.

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