Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, from Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisory team, said vaccine should be distributed globally, not to America first – IOTW Report

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, from Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisory team, said vaccine should be distributed globally, not to America first

Breitbart: Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who was named to Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisory team on Monday, published a paper in September arguing that any coronavirus vaccine should be distributed globally according to something called the “Fair Priority Model.”

Emanuel, the lead author on a paper in Science called “An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation,” argued that there should be a “fair international distribution of vaccine,” rather than what he and his co-authors call “vaccine nationalism.”

“Reasonable national partiality does not permit retaining more vaccine than the amount needed to keep the rate of transmission (Rt) below 1, when that vaccine could instead mitigate substantial COVID-19–related harms in other countries that have been unable to keep Rt below 1 through ongoing public-health efforts,” Emanuel and his co-authors write.

He and his co-authors reject a proposal by the World Health Organization (WHO) to distribute vaccines proportionally, with “with 3% of each country’s population receiving vaccines” and allocation up to 20% of the population in every country.

They also reject a proposal to prevent the highest number of deaths by giving vaccines to countries based on “the number of frontline health care workers, the proportion of population over 65, and the number of people with comorbidities.” read more

20 Comments on Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, from Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisory team, said vaccine should be distributed globally, not to America first

  1. I agree with Zeke, the vaccine should be given globally first, especially to the Chinese and every other globalist out there. And it should be given publicly, televised, and given by old school army medics who will ensure its given to them good and hard, and multiple times after losing their records.

  2. I say start in Africa, it will be racist if you don’t.

    Besides, the African population has long been a widespread testing ground for new and possibly dangerous vaccines. They help protect the rest of the world from them when they go wrong.


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