Dr. Fauci’s recurring disease ‘nightmares’ often don’t materialize – IOTW Report

Dr. Fauci’s recurring disease ‘nightmares’ often don’t materialize

JTN: From heterosexual transmission of AIDS to the threats of Avian Flu H5N1 and the Zika virus, the NIAID director has warned of nightmare scenarios for decades.

18 Comments on Dr. Fauci’s recurring disease ‘nightmares’ often don’t materialize

  1. When you have adults with grandchildren alive as long as it has been since Fauxi saw a real living patient the devil has plenty of time to concoct some real zingers.

  2. Doomers never get held accountable. Meanwhile they have a lot of people freaked out again believing we are in the midst of a second wave. Masks out again and people acting like this virus can jump on you if you walk within 10 feet of someone.

  3. The President had no choice to bring him to the forefront and Birx. Just remember when the Democrats criticized him for putting Mike Pence in charge? “he’s no scientist” OK Democrats, here’s your expert that’s beyond reproach. Now that you’ve got him can you live with Fauci’s reputation???

  4. “The President had no choice to bring him to the forefront and Birx.”

    The President had all kinds of choices, he just made the one that involved catering to the Democrats instead of to the American people who elected him.

    A fear based choice, and fear based choices do not produce good results.

  5. I’m with @Joe Btfsplk but the pandemic will spike 2 weeks after Trump’s Tulsa rally. Got to put an end to those rallies.

    It’s not political. It’s national health and little Napoleon will begin the doom saying again.

    It’s already scripted.

  6. Both Fauci and Birx are overgrown lab rats. Let’s hear from real Doctors who treat real patients. Fauci has not been current since 2006, When lockdown was not a good idea. Benito Fauci isa political pimp. His cure has been far worse than the 1% death rate,

  7. …at least Ohio’s baby-murdering lying Democrat witch of a “health director” resigned, but I’m sure Trump-hating Establishment Mike has another ready to go…plus, she’ll still be around as ‘senior health advisor’, ready to pour her poison into to porches of King DeWine’s ears from a more obscure location safely behind the throne…

    …watch DeWine and Democrats run their tongues down her pants below, as they blame Republicans for wanting everyone to die yet again…


  8. Gee, somewhere around the incubation period and the Memorial day revelers, of whom many, no doubt, threw caution to the winds and booze down their throats after isolation, are coming down sick.
    Who could have foreseen it!?
    It’s unprecedented!

  9. This egomaniac dope has never been right about anything in public health. President Trump please fire this useless chicken little doofus you know how to do that

  10. Our medical system, including Public Health, is now run politically which reflects just how deep our socialist mindset is in this country. We Boomers aren’t used to that – ‘Public Health’ was never political in our generation and it relied on doctors and the medical profession in local communities.

    The Federal Government is just wrong on so many levels. And you all know what I’d like to do about it. (“Shut it down! Article V…”)


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