Dr Fauci’s Retirement Pay Will Exceed $350,000 Per Year: The Largest In U.S. Federal Government History – IOTW Report

Dr Fauci’s Retirement Pay Will Exceed $350,000 Per Year: The Largest In U.S. Federal Government History

Zero Hedge:

On Christmas Eve, Dr. Anthony Fauci turned 81. However, he is not retiring just yet.
If he did, Fauci would reap the largest federal retirement package in U.S. history.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com estimate Dr. Fauci’s annual retirement would exceed $350,000. Thereafter, his pension and benefits would continue to increase through annual cost-of-living adjustments.

Fauci has 55 years of service as a federal employee.

For the second year in a row, Fauci was the most highly compensated federal employee and out earned the president, four star generals, and roughly 4.3 million of his colleagues. As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Fauci earned $434,312 in 2020, the latest year available, up from $417,608 in 2019.

Fauci is currently the Chief Medical Advisor to the President. However, his big salary boost came in 2004 under the George W. Bush Administration (as we reported earlier at Forbes) when Fauci received a “permanent pay adjustment” for his biodefense work. In January 2000, Fauci was also appointed to the Ready Reserve Corps, a corps of “officers on full-time extended active duty.”

$340,000-$350,000 each year in federal retirement payments

Federal employees with Fauci’s length of service can retire to earn “80 percent of [their] high-3 average salary, plus credit for [their] sick leave,” according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

In November, we filed a federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to determine Dr. Fauci’s currently unpublished 2021 salary, job description, royalties, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and employment contract. The case moved quickly and the federal judge ordered production starting on February 1, 2022.

So, at this point, we can use only the last three published years of his salary — 2018: $399,625; 2019: $417,608; and 2020: $434,312 — to calculate his potential retirement earnings. more here

23 Comments on Dr Fauci’s Retirement Pay Will Exceed $350,000 Per Year: The Largest In U.S. Federal Government History

  1. “Rope burn”

    With his pants around his ankles, friction burns on his willy, and an exposed picture of a greased-up Dwayne Johnson out of a magazine lying next to him ala David Carradine.

  2. America is being raped by liberals and we are expected to idly stand by……..

    Our government has been stolen from trustworthy Americans that all too often rely on honesty, an honor system that ONLY works with people of honor.

    We have been fucked by our own freedom to seek peace or to invoke communism.

    Our freedoms have been aggressively used against US.

    The 2nd Amendment seems our only recourse.

  3. $350K .. sounds like a minimal compensation for the hundreds of thousands who lost a parent or grandparent because this monster talked down effective treatments

    In an America that still had a rule of law this would be a slam dunk. This was worse than malpractice

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