‘Dr.’ Jill Hits a New Low as Biden White House Close to Hitting Rock Bottom – IOTW Report

‘Dr.’ Jill Hits a New Low as Biden White House Close to Hitting Rock Bottom

RedState: We’re four months out from the November midterm elections, and with generic Congressional ballot polling continuing to favor Republicans, and with Joe Biden’s rock bottom approval ratings languishing in the basement, frantic Democrats including those in Biden’s inner circle have increasingly relied on First Lady Jill Biden to come to the rescue of a party that is clearly on the ropes.

But as the recent “breakfast taco” debacle demonstrated, “Dr.” Jill Biden can come off just as clueless and out of touch as her husband often does during public appearances, which leaves the Biden White House with even fewer options headed into the fall campaign season.

And a new poll released Monday puts even more of a damper on Democrat hopes that Jill Biden can salvage her husband’s presidency – and their fall electoral chances – at this stage in the game: MORE

11 Comments on ‘Dr.’ Jill Hits a New Low as Biden White House Close to Hitting Rock Bottom

  1. Doktor Jill is an unindicted co-conspirator in the greatest political fraud ever perpetrated on this country. She knew better than anyone that her husband was a demented husk and that her stepson and brothers-in-law were living off corrupt access to her husband’s position for decades when he decided to push aside the other weak candidates. Doktor Jill is as guilty as her lying, cheating husband. Just ask Tara Reade.

  2. I reckon the self-pitying old bitch is going come down with a sympathy ailment so the meedia can feel sorry for her. Something trendy yet serious-sounding. I can see it now:

    “Beloved First Lady Doctor Privately Battles Fibromyalgia”

    Some days, it’s a real struggle to get through the magazine photo shoot.


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