Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories – IOTW Report

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories

The Exposé: More than 90% of covid deaths in the UK are among those who received a covid injection. This shouldn’t surprise us, Dr. Judy Mikovits said, because every virus since HIV has been created using gain-of-function technologies.  In other words, every virus since HIV has been developed by scientists in a laboratory.

Dr. Judy Mikovits is a researcher and virologist. She has been called one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation. Her 1991 doctoral thesis revolutionised the treatment of HIV/AIDS.  Best known for ‘Plandemic’, which is one of the most viewed (more than one billion views) and most censored documentaries ever made. Dr. Mikovits was arrested without a warrant and jailed without charges for making a controversial scientific discovery.  You can read more about her story HERE and HERE.  She is the author of many books including: ‘The Truth About Masks’, ‘Plague of Corruption’, ‘The Case for Interferon’, ‘Ending Plague’, and ‘The Case Against Masks’.  You can find talks and presentations given by Dr. Mikovits on her website HERE or her Rumble channel HERE

Many viruses, including covid-19, are not naturally occurring.  They are bioweapons that have been deployed on populations. “Every virus, since HIV, has been a gain-of-function deployed infection by injection,” Dr. Mikovits told Stew Peters.

“HIV was spread through the hepatitis B vaccination in the early 90s.  That’s where the gain-of-function HIV [came from], which never was LAV [lymphadenopathy-associated virus] associated with gay-related immune deficiency. AIDS was never gay related to immune deficiency.  So, there is no natural virus.”

Further resources: AIDS And The AZT Scandal. The AIDS Pandemic Was Created By The Same People Who Gave Us Coronavirus AZT, Remdesivir, And Tony Fauci The Wonder Drug Point Guard For Pharma! Must See Videos!

People argue that “there’s no such thing as a virus.”  There are viruses, Dr. Mikovits said, “they’re little bioweapons that they created and it’s always been, since 1980, infection by injection … This is a 40-year bioweapons programme by Tony Fauci.  They were created in Fort Detrick in full collaboration with the Russians, with China, with Japan.”

How does Dr. Mikovits know this? She trained people in the laboratory on how to grow the virus cultures. Dr. Mikovits worked at Fort Detrick – a United States Army Futures Command installation located in Frederick, Maryland – from 10 June 1980 to 11 May 2001 from the entry-level to the highest-level director of the laboratory of anti-viral drug mechanisms. “We knew exactly the [SARS-CoV-2] variants created.  We did not know at the time, the game. Now we know the game,” she said. more

8 Comments on Dr. Judy Mikovits: Since 1980, all viruses are bioweapons that have been created in laboratories

  1. Calling HIV a manufactured virus seems a bit much. I’ve read some compelling articles over the years explaining how it evolved in Africa and crossed back-and-forth between humans and primates several times through the bush meat practice, before it finally made its way into the gay community, where its unique collection of traits made it especially well-suited to spread in an environment of intraveneous drug culture and unprotected promiscuous gay sex. Plus, did we really have the tech to manufacture a bug like that back in the late 1970s?

  2. Well I feel pretty damned smart right about now. I have never had a flu shot, or any other inoculations (other than a tetanus shot in the 1970’s). And NO Covid shots. The last time I had anything was in elementary school for polio and smallpox. 1950’s

    As a result, I have not ever ever had “the flu” and not even a “common cold” lately..for over 5 years.

    My thinking was and IS, if the Government is so Hell bent on making us take something (vaccine) or forcing us to eat or not eat something….there is something wrong. Resist it.

  3. Holy God!..Have mercy on Fauci’s and other’s involved souls…. …But, not so much!

    Don’t miss watching at least two the 12 videos given in that long red Link listed above.

    The Fauci, et al. modus operandi was/is to test via PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to find AIDS, which is a false test that gives positive results (“false positives”) for a variety of flu viruses and a broad spectrum of other biological organisms, especially if over-amplifying the PCR test.

    The so-called life-saving “cure” was AZT, which was the chemical that eventually killed the patient, NOT AIDS.

    I generally take a majority of Stew Peters’ opinions, reports and guests with a grain of Himalayan salt…But Not THIS TIME!!!

    This same bizarre and diabolical protocol was again used during the you-know-what scam. Same money-making deal.

    GOOD FIND!!!


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