Dr. Naomi Wolf Video: Inside the Haunting Covid Zombie Cult – IOTW Report

Dr. Naomi Wolf Video: Inside the Haunting Covid Zombie Cult

The new “religion” where holier-than-though sheep lust for discrimination.

17 Comments on Dr. Naomi Wolf Video: Inside the Haunting Covid Zombie Cult

  1. I have relatives that are in that cult. They are overeducated, stupid libtards.
    They refuse to open their minds to alternatives to what the gubmint and the propaganda media tells them.

  2. Democrats (pre civil rights):
    Burned down churches, hid their face in shame (KKK), destroyed black owned businesses.

    Democrats (post covid inception):
    Burn down churches, hide their face in shame (masks), destroy black owned businesses.

  3. I hear ya, Jethro.
    My lib relatives cannot beLIEVE I didn’t take the vaccine! I try to explain that it’s been purposely mislabeled – it is not a vaccine and I’m trusting my very strong immune system just like I’ve done my whole life.
    That’s when they close their zombie ears and continue to repeat what the media has fed them.
    I tell them it’s been over 700 days. Everybody has been in contact with it by now. Go back to living your normal life. I tell them I never stopped living my normal life….of which they are again appalled.

  4. If you need to find Covid data that has been scrubbed for the internet, a good resource is “ARCHIVE.ORG”.
    Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
    Keep speaking the truth at all costs.

  5. This is a response I received from a retired teacher friend (not that close to her) to the email below (sorry it’s so long) —

    “Please do not send me this type of right-wing argument. I AM NOT INTERESTED.”

    Among all the vaccines I have known in my life:
    — diphtheria
    — tetanus
    — smallpox
    — typhoid
    — anthrax
    — rota virus
    — measles
    — rubella
    — chickenpox
    — hepatitis
    — meningitis
    — tuberculosis
    I want to also add:
    — flu and pneumonia.
    😳 I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated.
    😳 I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.
    😳 I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated.
    😳 I never saw discrimination for those who didn’t.
    🥺If you haven’t been vaccinated no one has tried to make you feel like a bad person.
    💔I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends.
    👩🏻‍⚕️🎓I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.
    📋I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent.
    😡After all the vaccines I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is.
    And as the social fabric tightens… It’s a powerful vaccine!
    She does all these things except IMMUNIZATION and recovering from the virus means NOTHING.
    If we still need:
    — 💉a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated,
    —👃🏼and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated
    — 😷and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated
    — 🏨and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated

    “It’s time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”

    Stop it. Just stop it. Stop making excuses.

    We’ve gone from “a few weeks to flatten the curve” to fully vaccinated to see a doctor.

    We’ve gone from “two vaccines to be fully vaccinated” to three, possibly four, five, six…

    We’ve gone from “when we reach 70%, life will go back to normal” to 80%, 90%, 95%…

    We’ve gone from “the vaccine is 100% effective” to not preventing infection, barely curbing transmission, and dwindling effectiveness against symptoms in less than 6 months.

    We’ve gone from “the vaccine is 100% safe” to risks of blood clots, Guillain-Barre, myocarditis, pericarditis, and skyrocketing reports of adverse reactions on yellow card systems across the globe.

    We’ve gone from “masks are relatively ineffective” to wearing masks when there is no active disease in the local community.

    We’ve gone from “kids are unaffected by this disease” to promoting vaccines for 5-12 year olds.

    We’ve gone from “vaccinate to get back to normal” to vaccine passports will be required to access normal necessities.

    And here’s a few more “Stop-It’s” while I’m on my rant…

    Stop telling me, “the vaccine is not experimental” when it is still in an experimental trial stage. Long term data is not in on mRNA vaccines for humans and no amount of data fudging and spin can prove otherwise.

    Stop telling me, “we don’t have polio anymore, thanks vaccines” when mRNA vaccines are nothing like the polio vaccine, coronaviruses are nothing like poliovirus, and the first release of the polio vaccine resulted in a catastrophic pharmaceutical disaster.

    Stop telling me, “but it still reduces the spread” when affected states and countries are at 90% levels of vaccination and returning record numbers of break-through cases. This is hardly a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’.

    Stop telling me, “well, it’s about reducing the load on our health system” when they can afford to sideline thousands of healthcare workers, once celebrated for their heroic service on the frontline.

    Stop telling me, “yeah, but we weren’t expecting this highly infectious new variant” when any virologist worth their salt will tell you this is exactly what viruses do. In general, they become more infectious and less dangerous over time.

    Stop telling me, “it’s about keeping us safe” when they suppress treatments, threaten and harass doctors who speak out, censor dissenting scientific voices, and seemingly couldn’t give a toss about suicide, mental health, smoking, and drug and alcohol addictions which kill tens of thousands of Australians each year.

    Stop telling me, “people still have a choice” when you know full well there is no choice when somebody’s livelihood, healthcare and welfare are at stake.

    And finally, stop telling me, “it’s a conspiracy theory” when it’s all happening right there in front of you.

    There is a virus. Yes. It’s a bad one. Precautions need to be taken. But, this response is a total overreach and most people know it. They may not express it. They may not acknowledge it. They may even argue against it. But, surely they can feel it. Something’s not right.

    This is no longer about a virus. This is about passports, power and control. I don’t know where it’s coming from. I don’t know how it got here. But, it’s here. It’s global. It’s terrifying. And we must push back. We must.

    Stop making excuses.

  6. I knew this BS when “our side” took video tours of homeless camps. Since they were not dying by huge numbers, then it was all surely fake.

    Remember those Chinese actors falling down dead in the street? This has been a psyyop from the beginning.

  7. Sorry, but I don’t fully buy Naomi Wolfe’s rational for for supporting “my body, my choice”, when it comes to the jab. I find it to be self-serving, as she let it slip that she is unable medically to take the jab. So of course she is against the leftist cult of “take the jab or be persecuted” – she can’t, so her fellow libs must be called out for her own self-serving reason. She didn’t reach that conclusion because of the bigger broader picture of freedom and rights of citizens – which all of us here value – but rather, her own individual need.

  8. “It’s time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”

    I began hearing about a pandemic back in 1960’s in biology. I don’t feel as though I’ve been deceived because I was never going to take the jab. Any thing that’s been brought out in “warp speed” ended up being very wrong. I don’t trust the government for anything. I ran from this shit at “warp speed” and warned my two kids the danger of it. One listened to me the other didn’t. The one that didn’t is regretting her decision. She decided on getting the jab because she wanted to fly somewhere. Now she’s spending her says worrying if she’s going to get a blood clot or a heart attack…too late.

  9. Hilda Matilda,

    Fantastic argument.

    One more.

    Canada has ordered more than 400 Million Doses of various types from different manufacturers.
    Source: CBC May 21/2021 written by John Paul Tasker

    At that point 50% of Canada already had 1 dose. Canada’s total population is 38 million. (including the ineligible due to age)

    400 Million / 38 million = 10.5 doses per Canadian. Technically more because 50% of eligible are already shot up once.



    Hope the link works,

  10. Stirrin — I agree. And latinos — almost to a person — do not like to be called “Latinx”; and it’s always said by a white progtard. She’s only whining because it’s her ox getting gored right now.

    Progs are just afraid of death. Period. In their dark hearts they are hoping for something that will give them eternal life. I wish the fellow who introduced Wolfe would have said that part out loud. That’s why “educated” progs spend so much of their paychecks on trying to keep themselves young and healthy to the point of OCD. They fear growing old and dying. They don’t give a fig about the spiritual quality of their lives as much as the sheer quantity of their lives. It’s a very sad situation. Just look at someone like Pelosi. There’s no possible way she believes in Jesus Christ or a hereafter.

  11. @Abigail

    Great points. I also think progs are very fearful of death. Most are atheists or confused Christians or Jews. They don’t believe in God or a Savior.

    As we have seen over the last 2 years, they crumble when things come along that ruin their good times.

  12. Re Naomi Wolf:

    Charles C. W. Cooke, writing for National Review Online (Oct. 2014):

    Over the last eight years, Naomi Wolf has written hysterically about coups and about vaginas and about little else besides. She has repeatedly insisted that the country is on the verge of martial law, and transmogrified every threat—both pronounced and overhyped—into a government-led plot to establish a dictatorship. She has made prediction after prediction that has simply not come to pass. Hers are not sober and sensible forecasts of runaway human nature, institutional atrophy, and constitutional decline, but psychedelic fever-dreams that are more typically suited to the InfoWars crowd.[72]

    What Ms. Wolf wrote makes a lot of sense now. I don’t know what she knew back in 2014 that we didn’t but maybe she’s the canary in the coal mine.

    And thank God there is nothing to suggest she’s a Lesbian.

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