DRAMA! Black Parkland students Are Feeling Ignored – IOTW Report

DRAMA! Black Parkland students Are Feeling Ignored

What’s up with that, David Hogg?

Breitbart: The far-left HuffPost spoke to a handful of black students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the scene of February’s mass murder of 17 people. These students feel ignored by their peers and the media.

“We’re saying you don’t see much of us at the forefront,” 17-year-old junior Mei-Ling Ho-Shing, who is black, told HuffPost. Referring to the highly visible Parkland students who traveled to Chicago to meet with minority students, she added, “It hurts, because they went all the way to Chicago to hear these voices when we’re right here. We go to school with you every day.”

HuffPost reported that nearly 40 percent of the school’s 3,000 students are non-white. Eleven percent are black. Nevertheless, of the five most visible Parkland anti-gun activists, four are white — including David Hogg and Cameron Kasky — and one is Hispanic, Emma Gonzalez.  read more

25 Comments on DRAMA! Black Parkland students Are Feeling Ignored

  1. Mei-Ling Ho-Shing

    Didn’t Chuck Barry write a Song about that?

    Commies don’t share the Spotlight with Blacks Sweetie,

    Matter of fact they don’t share with anybody.

  2. When will blacks realize white liberals consider them to be such dependable fools that anything that comes along will be given more attention. And blacks will stay on the plantation anyway.


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