Drama Queen Kamala Harris Introduces Resolution Condemning “Wuhan Virus” and “Chinese Virus” As Racist – IOTW Report

Drama Queen Kamala Harris Introduces Resolution Condemning “Wuhan Virus” and “Chinese Virus” As Racist

Another shallow attempt for ol’ Mattress Back to win Biden’s VP spot.

DanBongino: Last week, deranged Senate Democrats, led by the incredibly unlikable Kamala Harris, introduced a resolution calling on the Senate to condemn the terms “Wuhan virus” and “Chinese virus” as racist.

Introduced on May 14, it describes the terms “Chinese Virus,” “Wuhan Virus,” and “Kung-flu” as “anti-Asian terminology and rhetoric” that “have perpetuated anti-Asian stigma.” It also calls on the Senate to condemn “all forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID–19,” including “all manifestations or expressions of racism, xenophobia, discrimination, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, and ethnic or religious intolerance.” The bill also reads that “The increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has resulted in Asian Americans being harassed, assaulted, and scapegoated for the COVID–19 pandemic.” more

31 Comments on Drama Queen Kamala Harris Introduces Resolution Condemning “Wuhan Virus” and “Chinese Virus” As Racist

  1. San Antonio’s city council did this about a week ago. Just more of the same do nothing virtue signaling. Of course no one is asking them how this betters the lives of the 36 million plus out of work.

  2. Ah yes…(ah so?) Who can forget that Chinese is a Race….

    I bet those Oriental Ramen Noodles are pissed off that They were


    Ancient Chinese Secretion?

  3. Kameltoe Harris couldn’t give a rat’s ripped rear end about Asians. Do these power-hungry obsessed politicians not see how stupid and ludicrous they come off as with these ridiculous pandering actions and comments? Obviously not, or more like obviously they don’t care.

    We all know that liberals have absolutely NO shame. They’re too focused on attaining, maintaining and growing their power, to worry about something so trivial as shame.

  4. The CCP declared war on the world by letting it’s knowingly
    contageous slaves fly all over the planet and this bitch is
    “worried” about her BS racism hallucinations?

  5. ‘Wuhan’ is the city where the virus originated
    ‘Chinese’ are the people that live in the country where the virus originated

    is this how we’re going to define ‘Racism’ now? … fine w/ me

    congrats Kammie the Kockholster®, you just made ‘Racism’ a triviality

  6. “Chinese Virus,” “Wuhan Virus,” and “Kung-flu” as “anti-Asian terminology and rhetoric”

    Nope. They’re anti-CHINESE terms, honey bun. China is a country. There are many other “Asian” racial groups in ‘Asia.’ Did you go to school or are you just stupid?

  7. Fast forward 50 years and grab a history of America book.
    Go to the index. Harris, Kamala will not be found.

    She’s simply unremarkable. Her life has less notice than that of Oswald, Lee Harvey.

    Sure. They were both good commies, but Harris had no impact.

    Seriously. Go pleasure yourself or something.

    Just go away. We don’t care about you.

  8. What can we expect from an idiot. Very seldom to people with 2 digit I.Q.scores have an ability to think on their own and be able to make a half coherent sentence with their very limited vocabulary.

  9. “The increased use of anti-Asian rhetoric has resulted in Asian Americans being harassed, assaulted, and scapegoated for the COVID–19 pandemic.”

    And a disinterested press will never ask her for just one single example of that ever happening anywhere.

  10. More speech suppression, and it’s become so commonplace that most people debate the merits of a particular phrase being outlawed. Holy frig! Not a single word should be outlawed by these motherless fuckers!


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