Drama queens flip their wigs when Jenner says ‘DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY’ is a favorite song – IOTW Report

Drama queens flip their wigs when Jenner says ‘DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY’ is a favorite song

Milo: Caitlyn Jenner has revealed that one of her favorite songs is “Dude Looks Like a Lady” by Aerosmith and now she’s getting slammed for it by transgender SJWs on Instagram.


Caitlyn Jenner posted a picture on Instagram with Aerosmith’s lead singer Steven Tyler with the caption “@iamstevent and I are working on our duet for Dude Looks Like a Lady. One of my favorite songs!” Now, transgender people on Instagram are pissed off and they’re expressing their hate in the form of angry comments on Caitlyn Jenner’s photo. According to the people of Twitter Caitlyn Jenner is just like MILO because privilege, or something.

The triggered masses on Instagram not only likened Caitlyn Jenner to MILO but told Caitlyn she was a bad example for the trans community and that she was harming the transgender community with her actions.  more

15 Comments on Drama queens flip their wigs when Jenner says ‘DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY’ is a favorite song

  1. When asked about how things were going since completing her gender reassignment, Caitlyn responded:
    “It’s going really well. I’m a hole person now. “


    What we are seeing in real-time is a moment in society where adult children can ACT offended about everything as a way of bullying, manipulating, and trying to be the center of attention for sympathy-mongering.

    They are testing other humans to see if they can shame and bend them into apologizing for absolutely nothing. They are NOT offended and angry, they are manipulators, and they HATE TRUMP b/c he isn’t shameable.

    Know who and what these people are, and don’t be an enabler to their psychological games.

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