Dreamers (California Ad Satire) – IOTW Report

Dreamers (California Ad Satire)

A spoof of the California “Dreamer” Advertisement.


12 Comments on Dreamers (California Ad Satire)

  1. The California Sheriffs association has petitioned congress to stop the communists in California. They bypassed anything at the state level. Who could blame them. Unfortunately with our current congress this will be like pissing up a rope. Northern and inland sheriffs will NOT comply.

  2. Bad Brad : I’m as Californian as it gets, and I’m very aware of what your driving at. However as you know as a resident that we have a shit load of ” rotating losers ” claiming to be Californian and they never will be. We also have a wealth of Dreamers ,( pre-Obama ) who are native to California !!! Losers are Losers no matter where they are !

  3. I wish some talented film maker would do a short expo on life in the cities controlled by the left, including some of the rules imposed on the citizens. Show the filth, homelessness, drug abuse etc. Air it nationally so that people can see for themselves. It may open some eyes up.

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