Dresden Unveils Controversial Monument that Looks Like Radical Islamist Fortification – IOTW Report

Dresden Unveils Controversial Monument that Looks Like Radical Islamist Fortification


A controversial new monument in Dresden to the victims of the battle for Aleppo may have been inspired by temporary fortifications set up by radical Islamists linked to al-Qaeda and the killing of Christians.

In the central square of Dresden, Syrian artist Manaf Halbouni has erected three buses to recreate a famous photograph taken by a Reuters photo-journalist during the battle of Aleppo. The image, which shows three buses stood up, is said to be a fortification against snipers from the Syrian army of president Bashar al-Assad.



The flag on the top of the image, according to anti-mass migration NGO Einprozent, belongs to a radical Islamist group who were allied with the al-Qaeda-backed al-Nusra Front. 

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