Breitbart – A driver plowed a car into a crowd of people at a Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg on Friday evening in an apparent deliberate attack.
UPDATE 2135: According to Germany’s Welt, the suspected attacker is believed to be a man from Saudi Arabia born in 1974 per security service sources speaking to the country’s paper of record. The man is also believed to have rented the car shortly before the attack. more
another fkng sand-******
Drop a daisy cutter on the Kaaba.
How many prayer rugs fell out of the car?
The attacker is a DOCTOR. What kind of doctor murders people???
Yes, I know the answer, sadly.
Mindless Murdering Muzlim
Left Coast Dan
Friday, 20 December 2024, 17:16 at 5:16 pm
“The attacker is a DOCTOR. What kind of doctor murders people???”
Um, ALL of them.
TBH, I’m surprised this stuff does not happen more often. When you allow people (?) into your homes, people that want to kill you because they think it would make their shit-god happy, you are asking for it. It’s not like they equivocate about their intent to spread Sharia and kill all the infidels.
I saw the video over on Gab, truly horrific…
hey asshole, your mother/prophet/allah all suck camel/dog/goat/pig dick
You knew they were venomous snakes when you allowed them into your Home.
Hosea 8:7 This verse from the book of Hosea warns that those who sow the wind (evil) will reap the whirlwind (disaster).
Not the first murderous act since the rise of the false prophet and won’t be the last evil attack.
Snakes (satan’s minions) have no other role than to murder, destroy, subjugate and bring forth the anti-Christ.
Yet, Nations, media and idiots fail to recognize the world peril for the last 1400 years, it hasn’t changed and won’t change.
Venomous Snakes are Venomous Snakes.
@Wild Bill, yes. During the Hajj.
Liberals: Hey, he had a rented car. If you want to apportion blame, blame the rental agency for this so-called attack. We think he was understandably angry at Christians anyway. It’s Christian Cleansing. We get it.
More info on the driver, via Ian Miles Cheong:
“Reports suggest that the perpetrator of the Germany attack is a well-known fugitive traitor named Talib Al-Abdulmohsen. He fled from Saudi Arabia, where he is a wanted individual, and was granted asylum and citizenship by Germany, which refused to extradite him to Riyadh under the pretext of human rights and freedom of expression. He repaid this favor today by committing a massacre.”
Are Germans just naturally stupid? The German people seem to make some massively bad decisions when it comes to dealing with other races of people…
They’ve censored all the videos of the actual attack.
merkel/jerkel let all of the fkng sand-******* in, this to be expected.
krauts might do something after merkel’s fat yt ass is endangered
m. atta’s uncle strikes again
a car drove into a crowd…gun shots rang out….fentanyl responsible cause deaths…heard it before?
He was granted asylum in Germany in 2016 and had been living in the town of Bernburg — near Magdeburg — where he worked as a psychiatrist. (Breitbart).
He didn’t examine himself, I guess.
Psychiatrist Taleb: Now tell me what happened to you when they found out you were an atheist?
Patient Taleb: They said they will stone me to death.
Psychiatrist Taleb: Tell me how that made you feel?
Patient Taleb: It made me feel shitty.
Psychiatrist Taleb: These were Muslims that said they would stone you to death?
Patient Taleb: Yes. It was in Saudi.
Psychiatrist Taleb: But why do you now say you hate Christians and want to kill them?
Patient Taleb: I don’t know.
Psychiatrist Taleb: That sounds kind of like insanity to me. You must recognize that you’re insane. That’s the first step to recovery.
Patient Taleb: Yes, I recognize that I’m insane. I’m OK with it. That’s why I’m lying on this couch and you’re sitting over there on a chair asking me questions.