Drone drops drugs in Ohio prison yard – IOTW Report

Drone drops drugs in Ohio prison yard

Inmates fight!


MANSFIELD, Ohio (AP) – A drone dropped a package of drugs into a prison yard while inmates were outside, sparking a fight, prison officials said.

10 Comments on Drone drops drugs in Ohio prison yard

  1. I’d take away every single thing from prisoners – books, TV, weights…everything. EXCEPT drugs! Since they’re imbeciles with no self control I’d have an All-You-Can-Take Drug Buffet set up 24/7. It’d only last a day because in 24 hours you could just haul the O.D.ed bodies away.

  2. Someone should wise-up and drop 20, or 30 loaded handguns into the yard during their afternoon prison yard break.

    Let the prison vermin:

    A. kill each other off until the ammo runs out,
    B. Give the guards some live target practice opportunities.

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