Drudge Report Offline – IOTW Report

Drudge Report Offline

It’s been offline for quite awhile.

The FBI has been hearing chatter about imminent cyber attacks in the U.S.

Before anyone thinks we’re overstating this possibility, consider that World Net Daily has been offline most of the night as well.

Maybe they share a server?


12 Comments on Drudge Report Offline

  1. “Beware, the ChiComs are attacking.”

    At this point, I fear Obama’s cyber minions more than the Chinese. Sharyl Atkisson might concur.

    What were Drudge and/or WND posting at the time that might be unacceptable to totalitarians?

  2. Thirdtwin, I’m with you on that. I believe the 0bama administration has a special relationship with google and a few others. Then there is the big NSA spy networks.

  3. Thirdtwin – I just finished Sharyl Atkisson’s book. A real page-turner. In spite of blatant illegal intimidation by the Pres Ebola Administration, she persevered and got her story told. The woman has giant ovaries.

    At this point, we need to repeal The Patriot Act. It was okay under Bush but we should have all seen that in the hands of Democrat leftists, their automatic knee-jerk default mode is to go Fascist and abuse their Gummint powers.

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