DSCC : ‘We’ve Not Won A Thing’ – IOTW Report

DSCC : ‘We’ve Not Won A Thing’


The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sadly admitted in a fundraising email Thursday that they haven’t “won a single thing.”

The email is addressed from New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and the subject line reads “We’ve not won a thing.”  MORE

15 Comments on DSCC : ‘We’ve Not Won A Thing’

  1. So, they’ve not won a thing, but I’ll bet they want more of your dollars to waste on worthless candidates like Ossoff in Georgia.One of the great things about the Dowager Empress losing last Nov was the huge amount of wasted dollars involved in her campaign.

  2. Whining is not a good motivator. Neither is pity. Or weakness.

    The Left’s fundraising success has always depended on the Myth that total socialist victory was inevitable and almost here.
    Leftists, including the rich, have short attention spans. They like fast results.

    “Impeachment!” Is that fast result they crave. Ain’t gonna happen.
    As that sinks in, the Leftist indoctrinated rank and file are drifting away.
    The Connecticut soccer moms are already embarrassed by Maxine Waters. They will drift away to Pinterest and cute cat videos.
    The 90-IQ community college crowd will lose interest and move on. Video games and hookups and new drugs are more enticing than Bernie and Warren screeching.

    The Left will be “left” with just the hard core BLM, La Raza and the Professional Paid Marxists of Academia. The profs are 99% Government employees and will cave quickly once their pay checks are threatened.

    This is what the first months of Winning looks like.
    MAGA. And may God guide us and help us to be worthy of this divine second chance.

  3. With all that in depth analysis and uncovering of fact, a few of them should get into the news business.
    BREAKING NEWS: We lost the big one and a few smaller ones because we are losers. Send money!

  4. Chance the DSSC and or DNC will take a step back, take a deep breath and reevaluate their current stance and possible re-calibrate their core policies to be more inline with the average American people? Yah, that would be ZERO.

    Actually, less than ZERO when you consider that Keith Ellison missed the Chairmanship by only 19 votes and MSM’s strangle hold on the flow of news has finally been broken because of all things a Meme War.

    Every time they get the ball they drop 19 yards back to throw deep for the T/D only to see they beloved QB get sacked and then fumble and we recover the ball. We are gaining yardage even when we are on the defense. The funny thing is I’m not tired of winning yet.

  5. Maybe they could become singers…there’s a lovely little song, ‘Be A Clown, Be A Clown! All The World Loves A Clown!’ and maybe their friends in the industry can help them expand their repertoire! They could cut a cd and sell it around the world! And then, go out of business, forevermore. Amen.

  6. Quick, someone send them a Participation Trophy. Or, the Miss Congeniality sash.

    Or, a sparkly sticker. That’s it, after 8 years of Obola, whose qualifications we were not fit to question, that’s what they should get, a sticker.
    Along with PROSECUTION for all that theft and treason.

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