D’Souza Film Takes Proof of 2020 Election Fraud to Mass Audience – IOTW Report

D’Souza Film Takes Proof of 2020 Election Fraud to Mass Audience

Epoch Times: STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich.—A new movie by conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza exposing illegal vote trafficking in battleground states in the 2020 election opened in more than 250 theaters on May 2.

A capacity crowd of around 200 people filled a theater in Macomb County, Michigan, to view D’Souza’s documentary motion picture “2000 Mules.”

The film can be viewed online starting May 7.

The documentary used cell phone signal tracking, digital geo-fencing, and video surveillance tape of absentee ballot drop boxes to show that paid intermediaries called “mules” unlawfully gathered and delivered hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots in Democrat strongholds across much of the nation in the 2020 election.

On his way into the Macomb County showing, a retired IT manager, who asked not to be identified, told The Epoch Times he had heard much about alleged fraud in the 2020 election but had seen very little evidence.

“I’m open-minded going in. I have not yet seen enough proof.”

On his way out of the movie the same man told The Epoch Times, “I am 95 percent convinced. I think law enforcement needs to go after these mules and prove a case against them in court. more

17 Comments on D’Souza Film Takes Proof of 2020 Election Fraud to Mass Audience

  1. I’ve seen all the Dinesh D’Souza documentaries and was going to go to the showing tonight. You have to buy tickets on the 2000 Mules site but all the theaters here in Arizona are sold out except Oro Valley. At all the past showings there were plenty of seats left but this year all gone. People actually are waking up.

  2. Bob M
    Factholes will deny Dinesh D’Souza actually exists!!!””
    They can’t. They railroaded him into prison a few years back for “illegally” donating more than allowed to election campaigns. Something they don’t prosecute libs for only conservatives.

  3. No theaters in Maine are showing it and the only other way is to buy into the live feed or buy a cd.
    I don’t want to sit at a desk watching on my computer and I don’t have a cd player for my tv’s.
    Guess I’ll wait for it on another platform.

  4. My question is
    If these Ballot Drop Boxes were monitored, why were the drop boxes not seized the moment multiple ballots were being dropped into them?
    And the criminals tracked down, charged with election tampering (etc..) and prosecuted?

  5. I’m going to watch online on the 7th.

    After seeing how the forensic audit in Maricopa County was immediately dismissed despite FACTUALLY proving over 5x the number of votes Biden “won” AZ by were illegally cast in that County alone, I can tell you now all this movie is going to do to/for us is raise our blood pressure.

  6. I can’t wait to see it, but I doubt it will have any impact. The people who will go watch it already know the election was stolen. It is really just preaching to the choir. Leftists are to stupid to understand it, so it will rile all of us even more that we already are, and do nothing for the commies.

  7. How many card carrying check cashing loyal Party members, have these mass audience members 3S’d? Before enjoying the show?

    Then they’re “thoughts” mean nothing.

  8. nco77
    “but I doubt it will have any impact”
    I agree.
    Those who already know are interested, those who don’t want to know won’t go to learn.
    My brother, who was glued to the TV and NPR during the Obama reign, and the Trump presidency, has turned off his intense interest during this administration. It is just too difficult for him to be exposed to the truth.
    He would never go to this movie, though he is the typical audience member who should.

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